LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Answer the question do you believe moderators should not moderator discussions when someone tells someone to kill themselves. Should be a quick yes or no btw

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Yes you moderate the discussion. You try to get the sides to calm down and resume negations. That is what a moderator does.

So you take a side against the other person then. Meaning moderators have to take a side. Congratulations Tiffany I am going to not respond now. You agree with me

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Also can I just say these are forum moderators, not like court moderators lol

They’re entirely different jobs, court guy yea sure make sure everyone speaks and take no side

Forum moderator is to ensure the rules are being upheld, which absolutely means “taking a side” when someone instantly goes into threats and breaking the CoC


Once a moderator takes sides he is an arbitrator, not a moderator. So in the case of the higher or lower ticket prices the moderator does NOT take sides on whether ticket prices should go up or down regardless of who throws a pie across the table.

At this point you are ignoring what I’m saying. I’ve said that same thing a number of times and you won’t address it at all.

Once again you agreed with me they should take actions :). Now your just trying to disagree for sake of disagreeing.

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It’s okay makgorok Tiffany agrees with me. They should take a side they are just upset they couldn’t start more drama.

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No, for example. One side says we should use LGBT pronouns. The other says everyone has to follow their religion and use old pronouns.

The moderators will NOT make a decision in that argument to say one side is right or wrong. If they do they will become arbitrators.

Now they might make a ruling on who can participate in debate if they can’t behave themselves, but that is NOT ruling on the pronoun issue.

A ruling is still taking a side darling. But I’m glad you agree with me. I mean you are after all an ally so I’m glad you agree that moderators should take action and take action against the person who overstepped the line. I’m making progress

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I was tempted to make a thread about that then idk why i stopped.

It is ice-cream day! :smiley:


Caramel ice cream is it a thing.

Better safe than sorry. Don’t need GD calling you evil for making a for fun thread lol.

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Ok then the way all the 50 states have mediation and arbitration set up is wrong and you are right. You might want to tell the thousands of people who do mediation and arbitration about this because their entire job has changed.

Man the way you are getting really upset that you lost and had to admit to my point is actually funny. I mean it’s obvious your writing more now trying prove a point you lost. :laughing:

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You totally should have.

It’s sad to say but this is legit true currently and that’s really sad.

Of course!

 its not exactly ice cream but I went to cheesecake factory and ate too much so didn’t get any cheesecake
 I know I should be put in prison for such an offense. lol

I do crave ice cream for sure!
