LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Is try humor the same as a dry martini?

I stopped reading them for my own sake. The majority of what I read was just downright vile. So much vile, hatred and frothing at the mouth over the tiniest little thing. Itā€™s no wonder why the wow fandom is so bad.

but on the positive, the new expansion reminds me of Spyro.

That game takes me way back. That was the first series I got obsessed with.

Even the Lord of the Rings esque remake, the one where Spyro was the chosen one, I thought it was so good. I love purple dragons


I can like, half keep up before my brain starts to fry and I have to call it quits to keep my stress levels under control. ||D

ā€¦Iā€™ve never played the spyro reboots. I kinda want to sometime.

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I actually ended up doing the same thing for awhile today after last night because I had someone attacking me personally a lot for being well me in a thread thatā€™s now been deleted but I was really repulsed by how long the thread stayed up before it was deleted because legit stuff like that should be removed as soon it goes up and it shouldnā€™t stay up and get worse and worse to the point where someone says stuff like Iā€™m not normal, Iā€™m sick, I have serious mental issues, Iā€™m whatever just because I exist.


The term moderator means getting involved and moderating.


You are right. I meant they should not be taking a side.

Yeah well this is 100% wrong as a moderator because you moderate a discussion and then have to take a side when letā€™s say someone starts taking things too far. I remember seeing someone snap and told someone to kill themselves would you prefer a moderator not get involved at that point.


No you donā€™t take a side, thatā€™s an arbitrator, not a moderator.

Answer the question you saw it in time do you believe itā€™s okay for moderators not to take a side when someone oversteps the line.

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Look at the creature that baffles scientists, it speaks yet has no brain

How does it work? Nobody knows

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Of course they should be, when people are literally attacking others personally to the point of breaking the COC, they surely should be taking action and they should be taking it much quicker than they do.


No, moderators do not take a side. An example of a moderator would be someone from the Labor department going to moderate a meeting between management and labor at some company during collective bargaining.

If someone starts throwing a fit you donā€™t take the other side, you try to calm things down and get people back to negotiating.

An example of an arbitrator would be Judge Judy. On that one you do the math.

A debate moderator has an important job, asking questions, maintaining order, and cutting off speakers when theyā€™re officially run out of time for a response. In a meeting, a moderator has similar tasks, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to speak ā€” but not for too long. Online moderators can delete threatening, vulgar, or spam messages, and they also make sure discussions stay on topic. Moderators can also be more like mediators, negotiating disputes and helping people reach agreements. Copied and pasted from vocabulary website I can look up more definitions but you would rather stand here and troll.

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Yes thatā€™s basically what Iā€™m saying. Notice moderators donā€™t take sides.

Itā€™s an arbitrator that listens to both sides then makes a decision finding in favor of one side or the other.

They take a side the moment the other party takes it too far. Thatā€™s taking a side it literally says it in the definition what are you arguing at this point but the sake of arguing. Also avoiding my question should moderators not moderator the discussion when someone tells someone to kill themselves

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No thatā€™s not taking sides. Say one side is arguing for higher ticket prices and the other is arguing for lower ticket prices. Then say the guy arguing for higher ticket prices picks up a pie and throws it at the other guy

The moderator will say ā€œStop throwing pies, letā€™s get back to working this outā€ but he wonā€™t pick a side and say higher prices or lower prices.

An arbitrator in that same position would say ā€œOk Iā€™ve heard enough, we are going to (either raise or lower) the prices.ā€ And with that the arbitration would be over.

Thatā€™s taking a side against the the person throwing the pies thank you Tiffany you destroyed your own argument but answer the question do you believe moderators should allow people to tell them to kill themselves. Iā€™m going to repeat myself until you answer yes or no.


The poster has largely been blocked by everyone.

  • Theyā€™ve spoken over trans people on trans issues and argued that trans people never face issues like slurs or gatekeeping in blue states because they once worked for a place that had an inclusion policy that would fire people for being overtly transphobic.
  • They push politics and try to argue despite being told to stop.
  • Theyā€™re a level 50 elf hunter whose name starts with Tā€¦ Who doesnā€™t listen to LGBT+ people. :thinking:

Like its so on the nose its hilarious


A moderator will try to stop the argument but he would NOT decide the issue. Notice I said he would NOT decide higher or lower ticket prices, only the form of the debate.

An arbitrator would come to a point where he heard enough and would rule higher or lower ticket prices.

By the way, this is the way mediation and arbitration work in law. If you feel I have lost this argument then the way the 50 state bar associations have set up mediation and arbitration is wrong.

You should go to the nearest law school and tell the professors they donā€™t know what they are talking about.