LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I think I actually gotta stop going into the “body type” threads

They’re all so damn stupid, people actually quoting alex jones and steven crowder like they’re right


Saw someone use this link as evidence that “get woke go broke” is an actual thing:

It’s an entirely satirical article, but I don’t think the person citing it even read the opening paragraph. When this was brought to their attention, that person quietly left the thread.

Definitely one of the best things I’ve witnessed so far.


Doesn’t help that its sunday and mods don’t pay attention when a troll decides to delete all their anti lgbt posts, change their toon to a girl, then act all “teehee i support the lgbt uwu this better not start arguments in the forum”

Can’t say names obviously but its eyeroll inducing

Least beating up monsters in sunbreak with hunting horn is soothing.


Well at least they admit they cant/dont read

Your talking of MHR gave me the motivation to play the pc more at least lol

I finally got the crab quest, so Im moving onto sunbreak

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I saw the mount thread got removed. So some are still here…watching…


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Right on.

Daimyo is so fun as a intro to this difficulty. Not too scary but he can punish you a bit.

Still working out the switch skills and getting comfy with that but I’m happy.

Eugh which one was that again? Sorry I’m kinda foggy headed

Yea, I saw that too, same with one guy getting the boot

Weirdly they left alot of his super offensive posts

Someone wanted an LGBTQ+ mount. Unicorn, rainbows or something.

Though someone in the thread suggested a kangaroo mount and I 100% wanted my gnome warrior to ride around in the pouch like a Joey. Think the babies are called Joey.

Now that I think about it, that’d be odd I guess. But whatever. :smile:

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Its still funny that their intro Monster to sunbreak is the crab of all things lmao

Guys usually a super early on big monster in low rank

Ngl i wouldn’t mind an axolotl themed mount. They’re kinda the mascots of the asexual spectrum.

Right? No big scary threat. It is simply time for crab.

The moderators should not be getting involved in the argument itself. Now if they want to come along and kick all of us out of the forum for discussing LGBT in an LGBT thread, fine but they shouldn’t be taking sides.

??? I’m not talking about this specific thread.

And yes they should be getting involved if they want to start being more inclusive.

You don’t try to invite a group over then protect the people that hate them or use them for troll bait. That’s absurd .


Just put em on ignore. Tiff comes in here just to start stuff.


My goodness, you’d think it was the apocalypse. These forums, man.


Hello there! Yeah it’s a whole mess.

Nothing in the game treats anyone as troll bait. As for the forums, well that is almost always either someone asking for advice on how to play the game or someone complaining about something.

Funny you should say that considering that almost everything I say is a reply to something someone else said.

So how can I “start stuff” that’s already started?

I just want a big loppy eared bunny mount

Like, we need a bunny mount where they hop around

Like just this big fluffy bunny mount

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Some people are very upset over new buttons. It’s entertaining. :heart:

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Button. . . . Not. . . Working.

(Also I am not looking at the rest of the forums, so I don’t know what is going on. I am just making a dry humor joke.)