LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)


Gonna prob sleep soon. Just tinkering a bit with a Hunting Horn set for Sunbreak. Along with the new skill Foray.

To translate some stuff for the non players

Hunting Horn: Basically a hammer that can make music to buff you and your team depending on the horn. Known for its many doots and bonks as you whack a monster upside the head with it.

Foray: You get extra damage if the monster you’re hitting has a status effect on it ( like poison, paralysis and I’m pretty sure sleep counts too ) or an elemental blight.

The horn I should be using has stronger poison buildup. Buuuuuuuuuuuut the one I’m using instead is called “Rosenseele” SO CMON I HAVE TO.

You know a weapon in Monster Hunter is rad if it has a german name. I’ll share the build idea later once I sleep and then do a few test hunts with it

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I tried playing D:I a little today. I made a crusader because their abilities appeal. But I’ve been through about half the story a few times, and I realized today, idc about the story one bit. It’s too dark; feels like the only point of it is to upset you, which isn’t my favorite storytelling method. So, since it’s largely a story driven game, and I was getting annoyed that I have to skip every time story happens, I just stopped playing for the day. I may come back and skip more story to get to those juicy crusader abilities later when I’m feeling more tolerant.

Now, to flounder in WoW and try to figure out what 60 number 2 is going to be, for S4.

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woot I just got my pally to 70. Now to get my BS caught up and then I don’t have anything really to stand in my way to enjoying the wrath beta.


I usually don’t get invites until the major bugs are fleshed out of a beta, and it’s mostly stability checking, etc. However, I wanted to share this bug, from DF alpha, that had me laughing for a good 10 minutes.

One of the flight points in the Azure Span does not have the mount enabled yet. (It uses the new store mount), so when you take a flight from there, this happens:

I flew across the zone on it, so it was like 3-4 minutes of my character just running through the air at high speeds.

(Figure it’s safe to post this without tags and such cause there’s no real spoiler in it lol)


That is WoW? It looks more like some other game atm. If that is the human model it reminds me of what humans looked like before they settled on a model. You can see some of those remenents in the Cavens of Time Old Hillsbrad Foothills Dungeon at Southshore. Or in Classic at least.

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It’s the Dracthyr Visage form.

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I am still suprised at how highly detailed the face is even in alpha.

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That is the best thing ever
 Think we can convince them to make a flight path someplace that just
 does that to you? lol


This, I would love that because that looks super cool and pretty fun actually. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Your character is lookin’ cool! Love the hat!

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when he goes to ambush mode ill farcaster out the area lol

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Today I’ve been modeling a boat.

It’s going to have a peacock figurehead. Maybe wing elements and tail feather elements.

I’m tempted to buy Cam Clarke’s version of I will survive, rip a model of Zan from wow model viewer with rigging, then record myself singing along to the song, and upload it to a video mocap service then make the model of Zan sing it. Render it. Add the sound byte, and link the video at all the people threatening to quit over pronouns.



You could be like Budd.

on a boat.



Wow. So majestic~ :pleading_face:

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( Also this was pretty much me when Fairshaw became canon )


I personally think the community council needs to discuss forum moderation and how it can improve


Here is a work in progress of the boat.

The normals are messed up making someof the faces look bad. I will cut the mesh apart and then do the normals and get them perfect.

I might add wing elements. I also might open up the bird mesh so it covers the entire front of the boat.


Unrelated, but thank you for an excellent bathtub idea!


It’s been months and I still agree with myself!