LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Healers and casters I generally play only in any mmo, I’d probably love hunter and I love your transmog options on hunter it’s just a hard class fantasy for me to get into but the ranged part I would love.

I’m having a lot of fun on my rogue atm despite being out of my element.


i just got my rogue to 60 with the last timewalking. Out of element doesnt even describe it haha


Paladin seems like it would have been a safer choice as far as a melee to get the hang of if I’m honest. But I wanted the rogue fantasy xD

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“Not everyone can handle playing a Rogue.”


“This is not about Sex. This is just about things we would enjoy seeing in the game, like same gender Couples. Simple things, nothing majorly Game Changing.”

Tall? Built (literally) like a brick house? Big wings that let him fly as he carries you on his back to adventures? Kind eyes?

I think it’s weird if people don’t find him attractive.

Same gender couple can stand proudly next to one another in-game and exchange emotes. No need to /yell YAY WE ARE GAYCOUPLE! Come on… And even if you do that: Nobody cares. They are just playing their game and doing their own businesses as usual.


“No one in here is asking for that. No one in here wants to shout it to the skies in the game. Small things. Simple Things. These are all we are really asking for.”

What things?

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“Simple things, like the Couple in Arden. I just did that Story Chapter, and found it very well done.”

Didnt MoP have this female Pandaren couple in the Valley Of Four Winds?

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“I believe so. I don’t recall running into them, myself.”

“I have a feeling, that many just want enough of them, in the game, that people are no longer shocked at seeing it. Enough that it is seen as normal. I really do not feel that is too much to ask for. They don’t want to change the whole game gay, just add enough for it to lose it’s shock value. Just a thought.”

I want a wing hug from him. Imagine how safe you’d feel in Draven’s arms and having his wings covering you


For a “nobody cares” topic you clearly care and yet you don’t seem to be a LGBTQ+ phobic troll or a troll at all. I’m curious about your apparent acceptance of such relationships but a strong distaste for “/yell” aspects of it.

Your views are complex and I’m trying to understand them. Thank you.

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I wish.

Oh my gosh for real. Like. I would be so secure. I want this.

For real, I want him as a mount. Not in like a weird way, but you know that quest where you drop supplies and ride on the back of one? All the races are rigged for those models. Give me a gargoyle daddy as a mount Blizz!


We are all just here in this thread vibing, but y’all just gotta come in here with the “ITS IN MY FACE”

Leave the thread. Bye.

Someday! :slight_smile:

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Seriously Rosenivy keeps having thoughts of “Oh come on just carry me” with Draven having you on his back