LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You would think blizzard would show their sincerity by doing something like this but all the funds go to LGBTQ charities

I thought they did something like this with the gear store and the trevor project or am I mistaken on that?

They should do it with the products the community uses the most their video games

Guess who got beta access to Wrath.


Blizzard is not going to have an in game event for every group. What about the Veterans, what about the Boy Scouts, what about NASCAR fans, what about the Butte Montana candle pin bowling league?

But what they have done is to provide areas where you can organize your own event. Of course that would be a lot easier in a virtual world like Second Life or the Sims but you could do it here.

And people are bringing politics into the thread. I am out.

Grats—Ah damn. I’m so slow.

Just add them to ignore, their entire purpose is to cause problems

So, solve that at the source


Wait did I bring politics I was just saying I think it would be nicer for blizz to make their games go on sale if I did I am sorry

Have fun in the beta! Hug all the tuskar and centaurs you come across for me! :hugs:


forget not the cute and hugable ducks.

Why are you bringing politics into the thread. I just said if they wanted to support the community better maybe show their games are lgbtq friendly too by making them go on sale like steam did for pride month. This has nothing to do with other events


No the other person.

Also I would rather spend some time in the other thread until things cool off. I had a very hard time a few days ago and I just need to limit things on the fourms if stuff gets to rough. I swore off the TBC fourms.

I just don’t want to hurt myself because of the fourms.


Do what’s best for you I am here for you okay :+1:


The beta was for Wrath, so no ducks. :frowning:

I totally missed the Wrath part so I thought they were talking about Dragonflight initially. :sweat_smile:

I’m bring up politics? All I said is that they can’t have an event for every group.
How is that talking about politics?

Frustratingly little Alpha content except Dracthyr. I swear I saw somewhere they’re releasing like 5 classes to play. I’ve seen at least four through the little content I have found, yet every video is about Dracthyr, or in duels with Dracthyr, etc. Idk. I guess I’ll just have to ignore the Alpha if I want to maintain no spoilers. I was hoping to watch non-Dracthyr content, I mean, they released 5 testable classes, with all different talents and whatnot. Maybe in a few days there will be more.

Anyone else a little perplexed right now?

We have the forums literally seething right now because of the inclusivity features coming.

Yet where is the datamining of more inclusive CHARACTERS?

Where are the gay dragons lol? Anyone see any yet? :smile:

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I wouldn’t say no to some hot girl dragon on girl dragon action.

Yeah you said they can’t support every group but the ones they do support such as LGBTQ wouldn’t really change anything I just said blizzard could show it’s sincerity better by putting their games on sale. You brought up that they can’t support every community which had nothing to do with what I was talking about. I know it’s hard to troll but try better please.