LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

It’s me.

I am the gay dragon.


Me whenever someone mentions dragons now.

Oooh! Nice! That’s going to be fun!

Tiff does that. We have asked them to stop. Just don’t respond to em if they talk about politics.


Eh sorry been gone for awhile mentioned I was going on break hehe

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So should they put the game on sale when the Butte Montana Bowling League has it’s championship night? I’m just curious as to where you draw the line between groups that Blizzard should recognize and groups they don’t.

How’s that being a troll? Oh wait:

Troll: “Someone who disagrees with what someone else says”.

Just be honest and say you dont support the LGBTQ+ community and dont want others to support them. You’re transparent enough that its just embarrassing.


Oh yeah lol all g xD

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Even their attempted honestly is based on lies because blizzard doesn’t need a line drawn they choose to support the LGBTQ community. There is no line needing to be drawn xD.


You gotta admit though, comparing basic human rights to a bowling league is an impressive stretch


I still don’t know if I am LGBTQ or not.

I’m Ace. Some people say that counts, some say it doesn’t, others say it’s a mental imbalance and I should get medicated and I crawl under the furniture until they leave.


Actually I do support the LGBT community. In fact I’m in the middle of another debate where someone at the other extreme is claiming LGBT is taking his rights away.

That’s the burden of the moderate these days. When ever you are talking to someone from either wing tip they feel if you don’t support them 100% you are the opposite extreme.

They see no shades of grey.

Supports the community.
Majority of posters in the thread ask for politics to stop being conversed or brought in
Nah continues ignore
I support the community and will fight them for not conforming to my beliefs.


Honestly the first thing I think of anytime someone tells me they’re a moderate


I have devised a new way to farm mats.


Hehe, the help of the kitties! :smiley:


“Was that a Key I saw sitting on that mat? That Kitty is trying to escape!”



“And Killer Kitty Is OUT!!! RUN LITTLE RATS!!!”
/wicked laugh

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So, the Q in LGBTQ stands for queer, and queer is our massive catch-all umbrella term for all people who don’t fit into societal norms in some way. I would say that Ace definitely falls within that umbrella.

If you don’t wanna identify with the Q, that’s fine. You don’t have to. But you’re more than welcome. That rainbow flag with all the colors is supposed to represent people from all walks of life after all.

Also, I suffer from genophobia. I would like to assure you that unless you’re like me and you get debilitating panic attacks that disrupt your ability to function, you’re fine. Don’t let 'em get to you.