LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Emotions are always there. Think about how the true Vulcans acted like elite snobs toward Spock when he was growing up. Elitism is a form of discrimination driven by fear so clearly the Vulcans had emotions that they were trying to suppress.

Hope that’s not considered to political. Is Vulcan politics off limits or is it just Earth politics?

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Do you really have no idea how you sound to other people? You went out of your way to attack someone because they disagreed with you (well, not even you, it was a post directed at someone else). You blew up because of something small and insignificant… your posts are overly emotional and verbose, and this is me putting it politely, unlike you.

She went out of her way to respond to me, when I was talking to someone else. She got bent out of shape over a conversation she wasn’t even a part of, and then started insulting me. And I’m the bad person here? This take is especially fantastic, even for you.

Just politics that people happen to disagree with in that given day.

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I just think the “omg FACTS AND LOGIC” people are too ashamed to admit they have emotions. So they say its facts and logic instead.

Seriously the “Facts dont care about your feelings” are some of the most emotional people out there fueled by denial



I was telling her not to insult other people, not that she couldn’t have emotions.

The fact the two professional victims are still in here crying is kinda nutso too


To be fair, most of this thread is either memes or people complaining about how their lives were ruined by religion or republicans, for reasons.

No you can’t cry about Republicans. That’s a violation of the stuffed shirt rules.

Or any other thing. If it wasn’t some talking head on a hill somewhere, it’d be something else.

I’ll be honest you all talking about Monster Hunter is making me look at the game for the first time in awhile… I never played it but I consider buying it every time a new one comes out.

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Oh Rise and then Sunbreak are great for a first monster hunter. I later went back and played World / Iceborne which is also fun.

They recently have it so that new players get some pretty OP armor so they can breeze through Rise and get right to the good stuff.

Just be prepared cuz the monsters hit really hard lol

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You better like boss fights

Cuz thats basically the whole game lol


With a very addictive feedback loop of “You got mats. Make stuff. Go fight again to make more stuff”


currently chilling in master rank Pukei Pukei layered armor

Wish I had the deluxe edition so I could work some of the outfits you get into a Bloodborneesque look with the Pukei hat

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How could I forget the secondary part of the game

Fashion Hunter, the real end game


Kinda reminds me of God Eater3…

It’s not always my favorite type of game but I get in the mood sometimes for that.

I have every layered armor from base rise

Every. Thing.

If layered armor tickets weren’t so annoying to get in Sunbreak I’d try and get everything. For now I’m just going with favs.

Also goddangit I have to fight the elder dragons for parts. I hate Valstrax so much as a bow user XD

Just imagine that loop in WoW of “get raid gear. fight better to get more raid gear” but you don’t gotta wait a week each time you do it.

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World was pretty mean with the layered armor at times

Go kill tempered elder dragons for the costumes

I dunno much about sunbreak, not quite there yet, all I got is the preorder/deluxe outfits to play with still

I won’t spoil it but it’s not a simple thing like base Rise once they unlocked layered armor.

I want that as a title in WoW. lol

And now David Bowie is in my head.


Oh the other good thing with monster hunter. They release new monsters over time for free. And event quests which often have goodies like armor appearances or special stickers used in game to communicate to each other. Sometimes even crossovers from other games

The only stuff you can pay for is just cosmetic fluff as it should be

Its also funny Prozd is a voice option in the store and he has all sorts of references to his skits