Eh least my inner child got a nice message from baymax. I liked it even if I had a good cry after. I know crying can be helpful since you’re seriously ejecting the sad chemicals out your tear ducts. I just wish the whole ugly snot thing didn’t happen with crying lol.
lol right it’s like ACK NO IT’S EVERYWHERE
Oh it was DISGUSTING when I was crying watching a special Critical Role series they did recently. Calamity.
I basically just took my shirt off and ended up having to use that XD. Tissues weren’t strong enough
lol it happens xD
Haha crying, my childhood experiences made sure I don’t do that anymore
Aw man I’m sorry.
Hopefully you’re not bottling things up.
I learned the hard way that bottling up emotions causes issues.
Totally am, but I’m super self aware of it so it balances out
Same. Tried that when my Grandpa passed away.
That did not end well
Okay just be safe
Alright. Just don’t hurt yourself lol
I remember once Tony Randel was playing a judge on TV. He pointed out that the word “assume” makes an “a$$” out of “u” and “me”.
Note: I had to replace “s” with “$” to get past the automated Victorian censor.
The lol makes me wanna tell a horrible joke, but my mediocre awareness lets me know that’s a bit of a touchy subject
So I’ll just say, I’m not doing any of that stuff, so it’s all good I guess
lol yep xD I couldn’t remember where that was from but yeah.
TO be fair I didn’t even read the other bits they were going back and forth about. I just saw the word assume and got a chuckle. xD
Ba now you have my interest LOL
This pikachu birb has a message for ya’ll
Just wanted to leave something cute before I go back to playing Monster Hunter
I need to watch the show. Baymax has a very comfy space in my heart.
Your posts are overly flowery, and you’re overly emotional. You’re wrong because the bit that you quoted, was general, not specifically about that article. So… no.
What are you even on about? Your posts are so inane and meandering it’s kind of hard to understand what you’re trying to get at some times. Seriously, just get to the point. Me stating that you made an unrealistic point that isn’t based in reality, isn’t me literally stating that you aren’t saying something… Good god, lol.
No, it’s fluff. It didn’t add to your point, so, fluff.
Also, a red dot? I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but I’m happy that it means something to you.
Here’s a friendly bit of advice. If you get this upset in a basic conversation, maybe you shouldn’t have them? Or, maybe just take a step back, because good god you are acting childish.
Oh it woulda made this go 0-100 real quick cuz it was gunna escalate far past hurting myself
I was mid typing and was like, maybe don’t say this
You talking about it made me start playing it again
I forgot about redoing all of the base game to do the dlc, so I kinda was lazy and gave up for a while, I’m at least hr7 again, so almost to the dlc finally
Oh got ya (I didn’t realize that) yeah don’t do that!
Still need to get to playing hunting horn again but I’m being lazy with my comfort bow set up
Yea I made the mistake of telling a joke like that before in a less familiar spot and I just had everyone look at me
I’m just lazy mode and doing nothing but GS and GL
Once I get MR stuff, I’ll start playing with other things cuz it’ll feel like I’m not wasting armor spheres