LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

On the news this week, I saw Spain is supposed to reach 47 C due to a front from north Africa. I had those temps back on the farm so I’d trade places with you or Spain like, rn :sweat_smile:

13.4 C in Wollongong atm, I’m freezing :cold_face:

Hard pass

Well at least thats tolerable, I’d prefer it to be lower

I have 4 layers on and my booty is parked as close to the heater as possible :rofl: I’m weak with the cold

I don’t even put pants on til -10c

I strongly prefer the cold

Weren’t you planning on visiting today? It’s a sweltering 13.4 C here :eyes::roll_eyes::rofl:

Shorts and a lighter t-shirt and thats tolerable weather kind of

reduced to baby noises

the little bandanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


If my statement didn’t apply to you, then it didn’t apply to you. I very clearly said that only a few people would know who he was without the use of google, which you yourself said you had to use. So, does this apply to you? I have no idea, but, I never said it did.

Let’s make all the assumptions then complain about people making supposed assumptions. :crazy_face:

“Assumption” and “Evidence” are contradictory. You’re using the word assumption wrong.

Really this isn’t difficult. It was pretty obvious without a study to back it up. Businesses typically parrot the popular sensibilities of their target demographic because people enjoy hearing what they want to hear. It’s no different from any other method of appealing to their audience. =/


No, their status as a member of any given community has absolutely nothing to do with their aptitude. The thing you just said was not based in reality, or realistic.

This is fluff and doesn’t add anything to your point.

Yes. An assumption is not when you make a conclusion based on evidence. You are literally attacking the foundational concept of evidence based deduction and inference right now. That’s called anti-intellectualism. Are you not ashamed? A decent person would be.

Wow, that sure isn’t a response to the thing you quoted. Or anything I said for that matter. What’s next? “Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?”

That’s… logic. It’s directly supporting the point I was making. What are you even—Oh I get it now. Here, you dropped this: :red_circle:

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You know what the first 3 letters of assume are xD


This dang show is making me ugly cry

We got trans men and talking about periods. The scene in the bathroom just made me think “man. I really needed to hear this as a kid”

Having your period start being a thing while being a confused trans kid was terrifying. Back then I didn’t have the words for how I was feeling. ( I was a teensy bit sheltered ngl )

Like seriously I’m SHOCKED disney allowed this but just because we all know Disney is kinda crappy when it comes to lgbt stuff.

“I always get the ones with wings” MY MAN


in the second vid, there’s someone with the trans flag on their shirt too.

I find this especially cute too cause it reminds me of my dad and I going shopping for pads for the first time. He was like “uuuh this is no man’s land idk anything about this stuff!” and this little old lady was like, “just get her the pads starting out. She’ll be fine.” xD haha

I would have went with mom but she was doing house cleaning at this ladies house so dad had to take me. We also didn’t have pads in the house cause mom went through menopause so only thing we had really was liners.

It’s crazy how angry some people got over this

My moms a nurse so thankfully I did get a nice education sit down with her about this stuff. It was the trans stuff I kept to myself out of fear and confusion. I thought it was just something that would go away. Nope lol.

Also I love the little bounce Baymax has when he sits down on the floor by the girl in the bathroom. It’s just so cute.

Yeah. No one batted an eye when Baymax was talking about male puberty at one point.

I didn’t even know he talked about that

Kinda makes their anger even worse lmao

I think I saw a tweet from someone saying it was silencing women because a trans guy helped baymax along with a dad.

Completely ignoring all the women that helped out in the scene.


That’s good! Yeah I got the talk from both of em but there was a lot of stuff going on with my mom at the time so some stuff I didn’t learn til later.

Ironically here recently I was talking to mom about stuff (cause of where I make extra testosterone naturally for whatever reason… well least last time I had my hormones checked) and she is like, “Oh some people take testosterone on purpose.” I was like, “Alright, for someone without internet how in the world does she know about that concept?!” I was too afraid to ask LOL


People get angry over anything. It’s bonkers.

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Ironically they silenced women themselves

Yea people are the dumb

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