LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

another gripe i have is the lore.

I really really hope they finally explain dragonspawn more than the super super old text that says it’s from “hanging out with dragons”

sindragosa supposedly has a lore archive or something in DF IIRC so maybe my wants will be answered there.

but I’m just ranting at this point.

it would be nice. blizzard is sooooo behind on character customization compared to almost every game with a customization option these days


My abusive grandma finally passed away this morning.

Bit awkward because mom is obviously sad. And I feel bad that she feels bad.

But inside my head is a very different story.

If ya’ll ever seen the Free Churro episode of Bojack Horseman. That’s pretty much my mood this morning.

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I get that. Its an odd place to be.

I’ll just keep the happy thoughts inside lol.

Well my vacation has ended, did I miss anything fun?

I can relate to this story

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I focused on keeping my mom from self destruction and just shared the happy with my hubby…

My mom though did actually recognize the bad my Nanna had done to her.

Thankfully Mom is a nurse so she kinda knew this was gonna happen soon. Even before grandma went into hospice care.

I ain’t sharing all the details obviously. I just know Mom will be fine once the shock wears off.

Grandpas death was harder on everyone because he was actually a good person compared to Grandma.

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Had something similar lol. My grandfather was the one who helped take care of the entire family, and my good ol’ gma was a bit of a racist, grumpy old woman

Eugh same.

Altho I didn’t find out how racist grandma was til I was older.

She’s also the entire reason I stayed in the closet for so long. She still had no idea about the whole gay trans thing. Which is kinda funny because of something.

She LOVED her sons compared to Mom. She also favored my male cousin over me. Oh he got away with so much crap.

And yet all along she had one grandson she never knew about.


I was 17 when Barack Obama was voted into office. I found out then, and things were never the same lol… My wife is dark, and my kids are mixed, so that woman is obviously not in my life at this point.

The delicious irony :stuck_out_tongue: I’m hoping that you turned out better than the others though since you weren’t always allowed to do whatever you wanted

Eh I’m basically a neet at this point.

My relatives aren’t great but at least they can get jobs and all that.

For now. I’m content.

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That’s the most important thing though, right? :heart: People often take inner peace for granted

True. I just kinda stalled for a few years because I was living with undiagnosed bpd and oh boy that was not fun. Therapy helped but it wasn’t a very gentle therapy.

Still just gonna be awkward having to act gentle and understanding when it comes to how my mom and cousin are feeling. Like I said, I’m sad they’re sad.

But I’m also glad that I’ll never have to hear about grandma again once this is all over.

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I’m not at all familiar with them. The real joke was the person I was responding to was trying to bait me into a trap by insinuating that I must hate comedy, that I lack a sense of humor, and determined my entire political stance on everything all because i said i wasn’t a fan of one of those comedians in particular.

there must be no other explanation, i must simply hate comedy.



Old gods, this song was stuck on repeat in my bookstore when I still worked for Barnes and Noble and they refused to fix our media commercial machines. >.<

I’ve never been able to listen to it since.


“The original video is 24 hours long, showing different people dancing to the song, out along the streets. I couldn’t watch the whole thing, but what I have watched was very entertaining.”

"They may have been, purposefully, playing THAT one. "

Ah yes the beloved old retail employer neglect causes them to accidentally copy a CIA torture tactic. Maybe it would come off rude but I’d buy a pair of headphones and play some stuff in the down periods to drown that out. Holy hell I’d have a headache just from one shift of that garbage.

I just know the weird al version


Music is powerful. Sometimes I really vibe but, I need breaks. And my tastes change. Some songs are lost from my memory, and I’ll probably never hear some songs that used to be my favorites, ever again. I do tend to play out songs though. There are old favorites I know of that I don’t feel the need to listen to. It works out.

One of my Dads always used to say, “When your memory goes, forget about it.”
I miss him, but he could be a real jerk; he moved away. It’s funny how people can be bad, and we still love them. At least I know I’m capable of that. Trying to get out of the habit though. Don’t need no more negativity in my life.

Anyway, just thought I’d say a little something here. Much love.