LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I always hear that in the dwarf’s voice. :grin:

Tuesday’s gone with the wind. :musical_note:

Been in a Southern rock mood since Friday. lol

Bleh! Best of luck!

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Ba I’m out of likes again. Here’s a heart :heart:


Aww. Thank ya! :blush:

hehe np! /hug

I think I may go take a nap.

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I was watching this show called Vinland Viking on Netflix.

It was a historical anime about Vikings. Super good show. And during one episode they introduced this prince who had super long blonde hair. Everyone thought the prince was a woman.

Well the main character is a young guy, dislikes the prince, starts arguing and the prince blushes and they argue some more.

I thought it was going to be a boys love type show, but alas, it didn’t go that way. :sob:

Kinda accurate really. I remember reading that Vikings were a lot more pretty than the stereotype. God that was ages ago though. It said basically that Tom Hiddleston as Loki is more accurate to the whole viking thing than Thor.

Things going so well today at work i don’t even know what day of the week it is :rofl:

That sounds like it could give me a new appreciation for vikings. :grin:

I’ve decided that as far as Norse paganism is concerned, Loki is probably my god of choice to seek support from because Loki is very queer.

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Eh nothing special. Internets router is throwing errors, fitbits on the fritz, my computer is trying to die. Normal stuff. Just lots of arguing with techs mostly.

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So I started playing with my son rogue this weekend again finally got his 4 set and 2 leggos the rapid bleed poison is nuts for dps…

Been busy this weekend stressing over moving,stressing over work… and also is it just me or did this time walking reward the same thing to all toons.

I did it on my druid to help a low ilvl friend on this toon and my 247 rogue and all got the effigy from the prototype pantheon. Crap for my lock bad useless for my rdruid. But bis for my sin rogue so a bit woot there! Got rid of a crap green 229 trinket.

I’m mostly preparing him for when he can finally become the tauren I’ve wanted since I started in BC. I will be tauren rogue and now just for that…
I’m at a part where I’ll be trying to decide between rogue, warlock, and Evocker when I get to test that out.

So what does everyone think of the drakthyr models so far? I like em so far!

I’m very not sure. Might need a while to let my thoughts settle on that one. >w<

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I think I’m always going to be unhappy with Drakthyr unfortunately. A race that seems to have little to no transmog capabilities and can only be one class. The model itself is decent but it’s always gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth as there is such limited choice with the race and by extension the class. When Blizzard does stuff like that I feel like they just actively choose to ignore the playerbase considering people tend to like having choices so much so that some people even want there to be zero class/race restrictions.


That’s understandable and i do have a gripe with the class restrictions. I do hope in time they change thier stance on that though and give drakthyr more cosmetic options too.


I would like to see that body weight customization on all the other races too.

…not getting my hopes up though, that would probably be a lot of work.

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Yeah it would be a lot of work BUT hopefully that’s a start with them and it’s made for everything else in time.

Was still funny to see Odin on the horse Loki gave birth to in the marvel movies. Since obviously that didn’t happen with the marvel Loki. But it’s still funny to imagine.

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I really wish season 4 would start already so I could play a new class race combo. I’m so bored xD

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I want to give hunter a shot xD idk I’ve been on a hunter kick lately and my ally side dwarf needs some love xD haha

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