LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I got Klonopin because I took Ativan for sleep and it cured my insomnia but my new doctor office and insurance didn’t cover it. I take a very low dosage. .5 mg. Max safe daily dose is something like 20mg.

I’m sorry you had that dark moment. I hope you are feeling better.

Anyone watch First Kill on Netflix?

I’ve watched a few episodes, but not sure if it’s worth it to finish it. :confused:

nope but I might watch it sometime soon, unless you’re trying to say it isn’t that good haha.

I’ve been watching Monster for the first time recently which has been a fun ride.

It comes off as a teen show, which to be fair is the audience. :smile:

Never heard of monster! What’s it about?

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it’s a psychological type show. brain surgeon makes a series of morally good choices but the results of them come to haunt him is the easiest way to explain without spoilers. it’s animated.

edit: should probably add that it’s probably very hard to find just incase anyone goes looking. I’m a filthy pirate and that makes things easier :sweat_smile:

Just buckled down and hit 60~!



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Am I welcome here? I’m a heterosexual married white middle aged man .

should I back out now or run?

Long as you don’t start any rabble rousing.

Refer to rules at front of thread:


Heavens to mergatroid I would never


So 23 and me came back and it says I’m mainly European (Mainly German / Irish) but I have a little bit of Scandinavian and Egyptian in there. Turns out my great great… great? granny who we thought was part Native American was part Egyptian.

That’s pretty neat. I’ll be sending all this to my healthcare provider too so we can check for abnormalities etc and what I’m a carrier of. Says I have a gene commonly found in elite athletes for the toss and other high lifting sports. Explains why as a lady I can lift a lot lol. I’m just build that way! XD

Doesn’t explain the deeper voice / facial hair though. =/


You related to any Pharaohs?!


I dunno. It just gives a general area and it’s pretty small xD but still neat.

In the fall, I’ll do the ancestry thing with my fiance to try and build up the family tree. I think that will be a lot of fun.

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“I am a 64 year old, Straight, Happily Married, Female, and I find this circle very accepting. Just treat everyone with respect, and come in peace, and you will have NO problems at all.”

“And… Welcome To Our House.”


i am with you on this straight white male
i give respect to people whom will show it back
imho respect is earned not giving by me.


Theres different forms of respect. The earned variety and the kind most of us ask for.


There’s a lot of room in my heart for good people

Exactly and I always go by the golden rule:

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Been working well so far! :stuck_out_tongue:

I try to do that but then if someones nasty to me chances are my brains just “Oh I needed an excuse to be vile if you wanna treat me like that”

That’s been a wip therapy wise for awhile. Its trauma related so it takes time to untangle that knot

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Oh I just go with, “If I’m acting like a :poop: I expected to be treated like a :poop:.” Aka if I’m getting treated with :poop: I offer :poop: back because I would expect it in return.

I can understand that.

(hehe poo emojis)