LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I hate when people just leave those in the parking lot rather than take them back so they can get charged up

Mom had to use them for a bit because she had to get knee replacement surgery. Did one knee, recovered. Then got the other one done. So she was dependent on those for a hot minute.

I always ask a bagger to escort me out.

  1. They get a break.
  2. They get to drive the cart.

Iā€™m helping with in home care with my roommateā€™s husband who had foot diabetes complications. He still has a foot but he also had a walker and a staph infection and Iā€™m going to spend all summer taking care of him. No temp jobs during vacation for me.

I guess Iā€™ll have to do art in my spare time.

I remember one time there were no carts so Mom just sent me and my cousin to go grocery shopping while she hung out in the car. We were late teenagers so we werenā€™t entirely helpless lol. I mean itā€™s like we were at least both sharing the brain cell to get the job done.

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Yep -sometimes need a vacation to rest from time with family.

They mean well, they really do they just have no concept on even basic things like simplicity being niceā€¦ Where theyā€™re satisfied that their view of life is the only view, itā€™s sometimes been best to ride it out and rest later /sigh

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Yes this 100 :smiley:

Friends help me thru my occasional depression issues
Family just tells me I shouldnā€™t have depression so just stop being depressed (like ya can throw a switch and be bouncy :rofl:)

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and with that, wishing you a wonderful Sunday folks


alan turing died for the sins of every LGHTQ human

respect will be paid

ā€œJust go outside!ā€

ā€œThanks Iā€™m healed!ā€

Yes, sounds familiar.

Do you really think that anyone posting in this thread knows who that man was or what he went through? Seriously? You can probably count on one hand the number of people in this thread, who knew who he was without the aid of google. They, literally donā€™t care.

Heā€™s the guy who invented modern computers! Learned about him in school and Benedict Comberbatch (canā€™t spell his name) played him in a Hollywood movie!

Also didnā€™t the UK put him on the 50 pound note?




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He also played an crucial role in cracking German codes in WW2.

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Kinda reminds me of something.

I see a common almost stereotypical ā€œmemeā€ with some political parties. They brag that we got to the moon first yada yada yada.

You know who got us there? A woman. And these people boasting about the moon landing tend to not like women much. Like I said itā€™s a ridiculously common stereotype over here.

I feel a similar thing with Alan Turing.

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Good morning guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Whatā€™s going on today?

Itā€™s about time for me to wake up the roommate so he can give himself the iv antibiotics.

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Leveled an alt from 10 to 30 yesterday. Felt kinda nice. Now I need something new to watch.

Iā€™m just getting something to eat before going to bed.

Hate it when my stomach decides to wake me out of a sound sleep just because it wants food. Sleep is difficult enough as it is lol

Sleep can be hard. For a few nights I couldnā€™t sleep because of ruminating even though I had sleep meds.

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Bummer dude.

Most of the time I just have trouble falling asleep. I get too bored and the boredom keeps me awake if that makes sense.

But I just took my anxiety meds and some benadryl so I go night night soon at least

Benadryl is sometimes used as a sleep aid so thatā€™s a good move. Thumbs up.

Yup yup. I do kinda miss when I was on lunesta but my doctor took me off that when I confessed I tried to well. Not sure I can say on the forums these days.

Iā€™m glad he did that but I still kinda miss the medication. Or Ativan. That was the other medication he weened me off of after I told him what I tried to do. ( Long story, ainā€™t sharing all the details )