LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Ah dang that stinks. =/ Well… I tried xD

I had that at and t internet for a while and yeah it bloooows.

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Oh yeah forgot about that.

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It does work - yea. I just upgraded to the smart tv so I don’t need it anymore.

I’m just gonna hope someone responds on facebook for it, I put it up for free if they remove it lol.

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Did you say you toss logs in another thread?

Can you toss an 80 pound TV? :smile:

“Local Churches will usually pick things like that up, and use it for the soup kitchens and stuff.”

I toss log sections but I can absolutely toss an 80 pound tv. (I forgot to put sections in the last post in another thread and I was like “eh” on changing it ._.) I can take a 2 foot section of oak that’s about a foot around and lift it and toss it into the back of a pick up truck… whatever that weighs. It isn’t easy but doable.

Not very far but it can be tossed. lol

Tv would be a bit of a pain though cause it isn’t like a log piece. Logs have things to grip onto, especially if wearing gloves. TV not so much.

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Outside of two cousins, an aunt and uncle (and my parents) I don’t really talk with my family as I am worried how they are going to freak out over me being transgender. Things are semi tense as it is /sigh.

I have found more family in my freinds lately then blood realeatives.


I found a junk removal service in town, and figured it can’t hurt to email and ask if they offer removal of a single item and how much it would cost haha.

I told them it still works as well, so if they don’t want to remove it and if the person reading it knows someone who needs it or wants to donate it to the thrift store, that’d be fine too.

Now it’s a waiting game. I’m going back to bed. X_X I have to go to Costco tomorrow for a new computer chair cause the one I have has murdered the floor.

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Good night Maizou and things will pan out in some form or rother.

But least you get to go to Costco though. Costco is fun.

Maybe for people who can walk more than 10 minutes. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s very very painful haha. I hate my back :smiley:

Oh… well uh… least you can get foods? (I was trying to stay positive ._.’) I get ya though. Hopefully it isn’t too much of a strain on you tomorrow then. =)

Sorry to bother everyone.

??? No one is complaining

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I don’t understand what’s wrong Alice? /hug

I’m confused too.

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I killed the convo talking about useless personal stuff.

“The conversation was moving a bit slow anyway.”

Na you’re good. You were responding to fur (I saw briefly the post you posted before). It’s perfectly fine.

Yeah it’s 2 am almost 3 am so lot of people are probably sleeping etc. It’s all good.

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Its late, convos tend to slow a bit.

I was gonna ask if you were just feeling anxious and apologized because of it. Not shaming you if that was the case. I do that.

Also to quote a comment on this video that I like:

> I’ve come to the conclusion recently that you should just let people with anxiety say sorry, tell them its okay and you forgive them and they don’t HAVE to apologize so much, but please people, let these people communicate the only way they know how.


Love that idea.


In 1995 I developed osteoarthritis in my knees from a sports injury. No one believed me until this year. My knees are swollen even on good days and the walls of my joint are weakened and overflowing with synovial fluid which has caused me to have synovial fluid cysts behind my knees in the back of my legs that rupture if I walk too much (or very much at all) and it’s painful and possibly dangerous for the ruptures. So I’m also in the can’t walk or stand very long club. I use a cane and am pushing for an electric chair or scooter so I can get around university.

I use those carts at stores. Vroom vroom.

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