LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“Maybe Dragons, in Dragon Form, are… like Frogs, in that there is no gender, and they all lay eggs, as well as fertilize them?”

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I… I don’t know… I’m now confused D:

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“In that only in Human Form, do they even have a male/female. In Dragon they are… Non Gender?”

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But if that were the case, Chromie wouldn’t be male in dragon form.

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“Good point. It’s also possible, that her Dragon Form changed with her choice to be female, as well. We really don’t know.”

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Ugh. That is all.


True, although with us not knowing that does leave a lot of things open for the writing department too. They could easily add in… well… whatever they want to really, which is a good thing.

What’s wrong Maizou?

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“Having a bad day?”
/shy smile

“This is so very true.”

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Just life. I’ve barely left bed in like a month for more than an hour at a time. X_X Depression is fun.

And I have to get like a 50-80 pound tv out of my room somehow when I have a bad back. So that’s fun.


“Do you have a dolly? They help a LOT. I have a bad back too.”

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Oh no /hug I’m sorry!

I understand and if you aren’t already on medicine, I do suggest getting some. If you are, I would speak with your doc cause the dosage may be causing extra drowsiness. Mine does that every so often and I’m like that.

If I was close I would help you get it out. Idk where you are but maybe you have a friend or family member that’s able to help you.

Or that.

I hope you get to feeling better soon! /hugs

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I do not. I posted it on facebook to see if anyone wants to take it, cause it works, but the only person who replied so far stopped replying lol.


Is it one of those older models the big box ones?

Those are so hard to move lol.

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“I broke my back in 1974. I have learned to live with it. It’s a Compound Fracture, pulverized vertebra, so no wheel chair, just chronic pain.”

I am, I’ve gone through so many I’ve lost count.

My psych nurse is moving away but she squeezed me in for another appointment before she does to change my medicine and try something else, and hopefully it will help enough until I can find one who takes my insurance here, which are pretty much non existent. My primary doctor said her office is working on getting a tele-health up for it, but it’ll be a while.


Yes, it’s been in the same place in my room for like 10 years. My sister’s ex and I carried it in together before my back went bad lol. Now just bending over can make me end up in bed for hours in pain. X_X

I might try to get it on the ground and push it out lol. But that’ll be a bit.

I got approved for SSI last month and got my first backpay check, so I got things for the house like a couch and chair for my sister/mom, and got myself a Switch OLED and a cheap smart TV that it can hook up to and I can watch streaming on (needed to be smart cause Switch doesnt have streaming apps lmao)


Ah got you. Hopefully you get something figured out and all goes well. Hopefully the tele-health thing becomes available and the new meds work for you. I hope you also find something that takes your insurance too.

I just remembered there’s a thing you can call that they will come and pick up old stuff for you for a fee. If you don’t sell the tv, that may be an option. I think it’s:

CRT TVs may be restricted where you are though and it says to check local laws for that. Worth a try though.

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I’ve checked all those places - they don’t service my area. I live in a rural part of California on the coast. We don’t even have Starlink access. Lol. The best internet we have is AT&T 5 MB/S that they throttle to sometimes under 500 kb/s just for funsies.

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“Do you have a local church that could come and get it? Does it still work?”