LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Random idea that just came into my head. A pair of stereotypically competitive men–one a gnome and the other a goblin–who keep trying to one up the other. They’re pretty heated from the moment you meet them. However, once you’re done with whatever silly little quests they give you to help them with their tinkering, they chill out and it’s revealed they’re actually quite fond of the other, and were just trying really hard to impress each other.


“I really like this idea.”

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Aww that’s cute.

I think there is a goblin/gnome cisthet couple that had a similar story. Not exactly like that, but they’re partners.


Blank slates are always handy. They’re practically new characters. And a nice bit of world building.

Man to this day I’m still jealous Golden got paid to write that fairshaw short story. Being paid to write gay fanfiction is practically the american dream


You can write regular gay fiction and get paid! There is some money in it. I think it has the largest readership for any LGBTQ+ category on Amazon (don’t quote me on that, Bisexual fiction may be higher).

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Oh I know. Thinking up that post just made me giggle so I wanted to share it.


What I would do to write for a living. I should try it sometimes and see how far I get.


Is it just me or does that sound… weird. Like, “here’s our black dragon from azeroth he’s a fine dragon that will make a great prince.” Idk it feels… forced. Like Wrathion doesn’t have a say in that, which to me it needs to be consensual.

If it was written to where he met the dragon and they got along and things hit off ok that’s fine. You know?

That sounds fun!

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“He wants to disown his Father, and forge his own path. It’s logical he would turn to them for help with that. He could be the one who opens up our path to Dragon Isles, due to his search for answers to his questions, and help to be better than his Father was.”

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It’s very easy to self publish on Amazon now days!

There is also no hard word count for your books. I like to dabble in self publishing and it’s a very fun hobby if you have a creative itch that needs to be scratched.

I’ve also found that compared to the cishet genres, like romance and thriller and sci-fi, the LGBTQ+ genres are “underserved”? I mean there are brilliant authors that I’ve read in those genres, but there aren’t as many books as the cishet genres.

So if you have a passion for writing, go for it!

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“I covered that one. In a post a bit farther down. It’s someone he knew as a kid, and meets again, later in years…”

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Ok that sounds WAY better. lol Yeah if that’s what he wants to do and what the other dragon leader wants to do I’m all for it. xD

Can you publish children’s books? I’m not a good writer but I could illustrate some books and make basic learning books.

Ah ok I missed that. Woops.

Possibly or he could get with one of the other dragon colors.

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Lorewise Wrathion wasn’t really around other black dragons his age. None that were sane anyway.

Its a cute story idea but not quite one that would work. At least some of it could work


“Who said it had to be a Black Dragon? It could just be one he meet in his travels.”

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Probs. He’s going to the dragon isles for the first time so there still might be pockets of black dragons that weren’t corrupted.



Now here’s the question:

We know Chromie’s dragon form is male and the gnome form is female.

I wonder if there are any OTHER dragons that are like that or similar? Reason asking is wrathion could, in theory hook up with a lady dragon BUT one that turns into a male in human form or one that’s male in dragon form but lady in human form.

Maybe I’m thinking too far into that, but would be interesting.


Also true.


“I think they have to choose a form, at some point in life, like a coming of age thing.”

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Got you so, in theory, it is possible.

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You can publish anything you’d like! If it sells is a different thing lol.

I met someone on these forums who is a bestselling fantasy author!

I would love if it was a very soft spoken female who transitioned into the complete opposite as they’re more comfortable as a male.

Then wrathion would get bossed around and maybe blush a bit. :smile: