LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Yeaaaah. I really want to spend more time with my family, but I can only handle it for so long before I’m mentally and physically exhausted. It’s an introvert thing.


I just hate the “how’s school/job/what are you going into specifically” talk or the even worse “When are you going to get involved with someone romantically”. I’m pretty well off when it comes to my studies at this point but I still get really defensive on that stuff, it used to be worse when I was a high schooler and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life but it’s still eh I hate when people pry like that and want to judge.


With distant relatives 100% it’s awkward. Parents’ I’m pretty open with although dad can be exhausting.


yea distant relatives are a struggle. it used to be pretty difficult with my parents as well but that was because I was actively trying to hide what I was majoring in because I was afraid they wouldn’t approve.

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I have so many cousins… I get tired of reexplaining things to everyone. XD

Ah got you. Hopefully yall have moved past that hump.


some times I’ll just troll and see what I can get away with. it’s funny to see what people will believe.

we did. they were kinda angry at me but i still think it saved me a lot of stress, was trying to avoid family telling me that I don’t have what it takes to pursue what I want.

a bit oversharing woops.


All good. =)

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Hope I’m not…derailing the current discussion. But, I wanted to pop in an ask if anyone feels we’ll get more representation in Dragonflight?

In Shadowlands we got a bit more and BFA we got a good chunk (but it was in the novel I believe).

There appears to be a pattern of more rep and I hope Blizzard continues to evolve their stories to include different characters. Not sure if others notice this, but it seems it’s mostly humans or elves getting representation.

I know there was one small snippet of a wow zandalari troll couple, and I think there was a panda couple in mist? But I feel it’s almost always humans or elves. Shaw/Flynn was obviously the big one. Peligos is also… humanish? He looks human.

Hopefully if alpha drops WoWhead will dig through the data and we can see if they added more stuff (I know some folks hate spoilers, but I don’t mind it). I’m really hoping they continue to add more rep and I cannot believe I’m saying this in a fantasy game… but diverse rep aside from humans and elves!

Like… interracial LGBTQ+ dragon + (insert race here) couple would be magical.

Anywho that’s my rant/question. Sorry for interrupting!


You’re fine and you presented your point in a good way. Honestly idk we will see. I just hope if they do they don’t make it feel out of place for the characters / story. I hope it’s implemented in a way that allows the the characters to advance with possibly thier own story arcs and roles in the main story.


Now what have I done wrong? I haven’t said anything about politics since you showed me the rules.

Lighten up already.

Richard Prior was fall down hold your sides funny. He use to hang out at one of the big comedy clubs in L.A. and of course he had an open invitation to go on stage just about any time he wanted.

Other comedians lived in fear of having to follow his act on stage.

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“I have an idea… I think Wrathion should get mated with one of the, up and coming, male, Dragonflight Leaders. To create a Gay Power Couple that would be rivaled by no other. What do you think of that idea?”

Eh I always kinda latched onto Wrathion being at least trans coded but that’s a me thing.

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My alliance characters are on Moonguard. If they did this, there’d be riots. The Anduin/Wrathion shippers would revolt. Forums would be spammed. It’d be worse than when Swifty got banned. :rofl:

I’d, love for Ysera’s daughter, Merithra, to have a larger role. I know from an interview, they said Merithra isn’t ready to lead the flight.

But my ultimate hope if for less human representation and more rep from other races!

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“What if the one he falls in love with is one who he met as a child, and they were female, but when he sees them later in life they have chosen a male form, and that sparks his love even deeper?”

“Yes, but it would open things up, for Anduin to get with a Draenei Lady, and go cross race.”

I’m curious about her daughter as well. I know like nothing about her.

I can see Wrathion being into that since he’s all about the whole choosing your own path in life and all that.

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Anyway blizz bring back my rogue boyfriends. I want more Shaw and Flynn adventures dangit


“I am so with you there! I love the idea of those two.”

She was in AQ back in Vanilla. Then reappeared in BFA. I think they’re setting her up, but not quite there yet.

So she’s a fresh slate for the most part.

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