LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Exactly and too it’s the subject too. I don’t mind debating on TV shows or something like that or if someone is like:

“Hey, I’m thinking of discussing things with my family with how I am. How would you go about doing it?” Things like that.

Politics just open up too many cans of worms.

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Darn, I bought it for switch initially and blasted through it to tide myself over for the PC release

For some dumb dumb reason I sold the switch version when the PC version came out

Was gunna see if I could join you sometime, but alas no cross platform

Yea like trying to help someone out with their own stuff is different than debating kind of one sided things with people who are obviously here to cause problems

Oh for sure. Btw speaking of a switch light, I should charge mine up and see what my villagers in animal crossing are up to. I haven’t checked on them in a solid almost 2 years lol

Eh I’ll be there in spirit lol.

Who really needs the rules of conversation spelled out? Well, just so everyone is aware, because I think it’s a great thing; there’s a “Rules of Civil Conversation” website, with a link, that outlines how to have civil conversations, which can be used as an unofficial agreement between people about to discuss controversial or tense things. It’s pretty great.

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Bruh animal crossing is such an odd game for me

I go like HARD the first few months of having it, then just never touch it again, yet I always buy it lol

The plus side is defender weapons are OP as hell, so having a super strong weapon makes getting through the base game again easy

Meanwhile playing all those new monsters as a squishy bow user is just “PANIC. PANIC ALL THE TIME. IF I GET HIT MORE THAN ONCE I’M DEAD” lol

I’m trying to practice my dodgebolts. For most of Sunbreak I had a +4 evade extender decoration so I could use the sidestep bow thing to just zoom around the monster

For a certain monster tho I have to put the jumping extender gem back in because oh lordy it charges so much in such a small space. ( Again trying to avoid spoilers for folks )

That’s how I am with it and I was playing it with friends then they quit lol

But Titicaca (that’s what I named it) needs visited so I should check my island.

I wonder if the toilet right in front of the town square is still there?

when people ask for more representation (be it lgbtq, etc) what are they asking for specifically? i’m not against it but it feels like going to the library and telling the librarian simply “i want a book”

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I mean it’s somewhat close to that.

If you grow up seeing mostly one type of person in media, it’s gonna be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal boring

“It’s a cry to the world, for the people to stop treating them like sub-humans. At least that is the way I see it.”

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Thats always the upside/downside of being a veteran, its like “oh yea I know when to dodge all these abilities, easy fight”

Then a monster will have a new attack and just make me eat dirt cuz its borderline muscle memory

Doing everything as gunlance to have a mixup, and man gunlance feels great in rise

Yea extender is nice for weapons with weaker dodges (evasion was still the most broken thing ever, basically quadrupled your invincibility frames lol)

I named mine Ligma, me older sibling didn’t know about the ligma meme and was like “Oh jeez thats a nice name for a change”

HA XD that’s funny

Pretty much that. And too done in a way where it doesn’t take away from existing characters or adds onto them in a positive way.

Idc if it’s LGBTQ or w/e when they completely remake characters it makes me mad. I get it if an actor can’t be recast… I get that. Multiverse characters? Ok that’s fine. But to suddenly completely change up a character without ANY explanation is infuriating or to do it to be like “I’m going to make a point.”

Like the all female ghost buster movie that was just… horrible.

That’s what I can figure too and like I said write them in in a good positive way. Like the 2 horses in arden with the questline. That was good! I liked that.

Weeeell it’s sort of intentionally vague. We’re trying not to be really picky about what that representation is, as long as it’s not for the sake of bigotry. Gotta give the artists wiggle room to work with and all.

There’s this sort of awkward sense of alienation that comes from consuming media in which people like you don’t exist for some reason. It’s something most straight/cis folk don’t usually have to deal with. But imagine seeing a show that’s genuinely good, except there’s that awkward sense of alienation hanging over it, preventing you from fully enjoying it with your friends. It can be quite frustrating.

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Was still cute Moonberry was practically “aw my otp! they need to kiss” when trying to remove the curse.

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Its why I like when creators go “This world has no homophobia or transphobia”

Sure it sounds a bit cringey but its nice. You can still do alienation stories. It just has nothing to do with that stuff which I like to see people at least try


lol right? It reminds me of the thing of “IT WORKED IN THE MOVIES?!”


Best paring was margrave sin’dane and her consort we murder

The one where the other lich is like “and if you betray me I’ll snitch on you about it” ?