LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Kind of a change from my usual caster preference but rogue has been fun, and I think all the outfits that I have yet to collect will look cute as I stab things.

Are there any LGBTQ quests or characters in the leveling experience? I’m knocking out Pandaria on this character, I never did it to the fullest as like I said above I missed that expansion not because I didn’t like it just I liked SWTOR better I go back and forth with “who is my fav mmo”

One thing I wish they did more in general was follow up on characters, I just met some Sunwalker who had twins and his wife passed away in the Krasarang Wilds and my friends told me they don’t recall seeing him again. I guess he wasn’t a major enough character, like Shaw and Flynn I’m sure they’ll use in the future, but I do like follow ups on stuff.

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“Which Rogue Spec did you pick?”

I really like assassination, I keep going back and forth with Sub if I had to choose a different one, but I think I’m going to stick with assassination. Although sub I would imagine might be a better vibe if I wanted to feel like a Dark Ranger vibe (although I know people do hunters for that vibe normally) or at least like those two assassins Sylvanas sent for Thrall and Saurfang.

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“I like Outlaw. I can be in their face killing them, and not in the background just throwing stuff, and not have to be the Tank.”

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I’ve been doing a lot of questing with friends trying to learn what the heck to do lol but I think I’ve settled on assassination I like it a bit more than sub but they both give the class fantasy vibe I wanted when I decided to make a rogue.

I just started threads of fate on my shadow priest but I have him in Night Fae so it’ll be a bit before he’s on the regular cov storyline? But I’ll be on the look out for


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“It’s the best part of the story, so far, imho.”

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Back to Monster Hunter because I’m obsessed. My little twink hunter evolved into a goth bone wearing twunk lol. They released Layered Armor this update. This games version of Transmog. So it’s nice I can look like a proper goth as I pelt things with arrows. I went with bow for this. Sure it’s kinda got a weird skill cap but I just like being far away from the thing trying to kill me.

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The amount of anti-LGBT people claiming this thread is invalid is too damn high


what is he now?

Eh things calmed down

knock on wood

We just vibin now

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“I think it calmed down, because we told them to ignore the others, and come here, because we want this to be our main Thread.”

“It seems to have worked.”
/proud smile

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Well I meant things calmed down because the non lgbt realized this isn’t a troll thread. Altho some were still butt hurt but I don’t see anyone doing that now

Again. Knock on wood.

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“That is what I am referring to. When they came in, we told them this is the Mega Thread they told us to make.”


and yet some still got mad about that lol.

And my bad. I’m a little loopy because I just woke up

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“In that case…”


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Hello my fabulous friends, how are we all doing today. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m good. Just trying to get a rare material off a monster in monster hunter.

Thankfully farming for this stuff is way more fun and quick than waiting for an entire week to reset things in WoW lol


I imagine so. I’ve never been interested in the monster hunter games though, not my kinda thing. Had family over earlier today. My aunt is having a baby shower soon so family came around and we were planning it out.

Played a game of Clue Master Detective afterward. (It’s basically Clue but a larger board.) Good stuff. But I’m all wore out now. Personal interactions can wear me thin rather quickly, lol.

Just chilling on Hearthstone, listening to some music, and decided to hop In and check on here.

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Update. Got said rare material so noice. New bow time

Also the fact that said monster I farmed is basically a T Rex Vulture added to the fun.


Random and off topic: As anyone else gotten Pokemon Snap?