LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

First time was just a huge welt on my arm cuz I heled the bow bad, skinned it a bit but nothing terrible

2nd time I almost cut my pinky off, don’t even ask how I screwed it up that bad, but now the thing doesn’t move right so I’ll always remember that weird moment

3rd time almost tore a nail off

Basically I’m real bad at holding them lmao

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“Archery Gloves will fix that problem. They protect the arm, as well as the drawing fingers.”

“You only need two fingers to pull the bow string. Your pinky should be curled up, away from the bow string.”

“Archery Gloves will stop that from happening too.”

“Sounds to me like you just need the right gear to protect your arms and hands. NEVER use a Bow bare handed.”

another strange law is
killing a scotsman in york thing

Oh yea I’m sure being better equipped woulda been smart

Lets just say it wasn’t the string, the bow itself snapped cuz my buddy was “sure it was still in good condition” and by a great fluke it whipped around a bit then hit and hooked my pinky and that finger went WOOP in a circle

Like, huge fluke it happened, still hurt like hell tho lol

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Get arm guards / practice your stance / workout the muscles for holding and pulling.

It will help and there’s special equipment too for protecting fingers / hands. Was it all on the hand holding the bow or releasing the string?

Oh oof…

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“Never trust a borrowed Bow, silly noob.”


First one was on the arm holding the bow, I was quickly informed I held it wrong (great gym teacher)

The nail one was the one holding the string, idk what I did there

Drinks were involved to let you know how smart we were then

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or a rifle lol

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Nail on string is it touched the nail. If it was rhe pinky, you had your hand in the wrong orientation


“Booze and Bows only work well for Dwarfs.”


Pointer finger, it was 100% me just screwing up releasing it (or maybe I needed to cut my nails)

Oh I learned that lesson real quick that day

“Archery Gloves cover the two fingers you use to pull the bow string. You never play with a Bow BARE HANDED. That was your only mistake. No protective gear.”

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Theres the little grippers too the pinchy things.

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“Not sure I know what you mean.”

Oh trust me, if I ever handled a bow again, it will not be bared handed

Good chance I never will cuz I don’t live near the guy I knew who owned them anymore

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“I have my own. It’s a 50lb Buckeye Re-curved.”

I would not even begin to guess what the ones he had were

Some fancy composite bow used for hunting, some other ritzy looking one, and the piece of crap wood one he gave me cuz “haha I dont want you to break my expensive ones”

Edit: That one you have was waaaay nicer than the one I used

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Something like this

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“Composite Bows… That is a re-curved. I love those. Did the ‘ritzy’ one have wheels that the bow string went around? Was it a Compound Bow?”

“Those suck. They throw off your accuracy, and damage the bow strings.”