LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Ehhh yeah nope. Nuh uh. Not gonna be anywhere near them lol.

I know snakes gotta eat. I’d just leave for a bit lol


“He never had to watch her eat, unless he wanted to. She lived in the basement.”

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I know but even that is too much for me XD


“I have a picture, of me holding her. If I can find it in my computer, I will link it in the Discord for you.”

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Yeah I wouldn’t mind if a snakes just chillin’. That doesn’t bother me.


“Found it. Shared it in the screen shot area.”

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So the cat likes lettuce. I was able to harvest some lettuce from the garden and I was like, “meh why not here cat here’s a piece” and she ate it. She begged for more. Cat likes her greens!

So I’ve been watching Ms Marvel and while the pacing is kinda meh, it’s really nice to see a tv show representing some South Asian culture? The visuals are cool too, and I liked the themes about family more than the actual superhero storyline lol

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I’m not positive, but I think The Orville has a new episode today. Looking forward to watching it.

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Someone comes along and gives an opinion.

Someone else comes along and disagrees.

People “request” that the second person stop arguing with an implication that they are a troll (i.e. a strong statement that the first person is right and can’t be questioned).

Dam straight people are going to ignore that request.

Are you really against forum debate that much? Debates in forums are part of our world heritage dating back at least to the Ancient Greeks. Why would that bother you?

See maybe I’m wrong about you willfully ignoring the request and instead you might just be stupid

Nobody is defending the obvious idiots with crap opinions, they’ve been told to take a hike and asked to stop as well

But somehow you think people are mad over your opinion

So yea, either you’re stupid or you’re a troll like them at this point

This is my final explanation to you


I mean, they are…

  1. An elf hunter.
  2. Whose name starts with T.
  3. Who postures like an ally, while pushing bad takes and not walking it back when people from the actual demographic they’re talking about correct them.

That’s awfully suspicious.


Holy crap lmao

I didn’t even notice that


oi, didn’t y’all yell at me yesterday about feeding trolls?

I’m straight and know better. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.

We actually want it all to stop. First and second. Idc whos right and wrong. It’s subject matter.

We can debate about things but politics isn’t one of those things. In part of a debate if someone wants to stop the debate then it’s over. Anything past that is an argument.

This is the last time I’m responding as well.

They are attempting to justify posting about garbage politics in here. They know what they are doing.

They did and you realized it what it was after the fact when told and you quit.

The fallacy of ad hominem. If you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Talk about suspicious.

I fully respect the fact that you expressed your OPINION that I should not continue some debate. Now do I treat your OPINION as if Gawd All Mighty has handed down an edict saying “Cease and desist”? Well no, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t respect your OPINION.

As for calling me stupid for having a point of view, well once again, the fallacy of ad hominem. If you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger.

By the way, if you are not interested in this topic, or what is being debated, why are you bothering with it?

Moving on then. How’s the weather? It’s raining here.


“Question… Did you come in here just to stir the pot and cause distress, or did you come in here to join the conversation and share in the peace?”


Warm and cloudy