LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I know this and can verify this as I write kinky writing. But NSFW has its place but that doesn’t mean people should be seen for the NSFW side of things. (These forums at not the place btw. Blizzard doesn’t want it to be)

If you can’t handle that stuff in a safe way that is when it starts to become a problem. I have had to cut a few people off from my work as they don’t know boundaries.

Pff yea, who would ever do that


Oh 100% I agree with everything you said.

I’m a chubby chaser not a tree lover xD lol

Just stopping by to say I hope everyone’s doing well!

May your day be wonderful!


Thank you Fen and I hope your day goes wonderful as well!

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The Boston tea party resulted in a war. There is little to no correlation between violent protest and positive change.

Defund the police backfired big time. Dismantling of police backfired big time.

I also looked at your wiki page. Every “law” or “act” that was passed was already on the record. This was feel good laws to get people to shut up. Qualified immunity is still a thing. Prosing laws isn’t progress.

the boston tea party resulted in a war… which in turn resulted in our independence from great britain. was that not a positive change? are you a dirty royalist? what about the french revolution? that one contained the execution of king louis XVI (that’s pretty violent) and ended with the founding of liberal democracy as we know it. do you not like liberal democracy?

and what about my numerous other examples? what about other examples you could have googled, but chose not to? why did you specifically isolate the boston tea party and not the stonewall riots, which were also very violent and were instrumental in bringing about the normalization of LGBT people in contemporary society?

why can’t you just admit you’re wrong here?

i mean, maybe, but your solution seems to be “don’t bother passing any laws at all.”

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The stonewall riots didn’t jump start lgbtq rights. There were many protests world wide before and after stonewall and society was already moving in that direction. The reason people credit stonewall is because that’s how collective memory works.

The acts listed in the wiki already existed. These were just feel good things for states and precincts to list to get people off their backs.

You seem to be lost. This is an LGBT+ thread not a Republican vice signaling politics thread. If you want to espouse your “values,” perhaps you should start your own megathread and stop trolling here.

Stop responding to the troll. Every time you reply, the troll comes back the thread.


but dunking on trolls is 1) educational for everyone else and 2) fun for me

(i’m done)


ikr. Trying to not rip into average outrage joe can be hard when it’s so fun to watch them dig a hole.

Downside is they like digging the hole so in their mind they’re just winning


at least they get themselves banned when they do that tho

The Revolution was not caused by the Boston Tea Party. That protest was just an expression of how people felt about a long running dispute between the colonists and the British government over taxation without representation.

As for the outcome of the war, I’m not sure what you mean when you say it was not a positive change.

No matter how much you argue with the troll, the troll will not hear reason because people like that can’t be reasoned with. It just like the one poster claiming no trans person ever has faced discrimination because some workplace somewhere had a policy forbidding it and people were afraid to say anything for fear of getting fired.

You can’t reason with these people no matter how many facts and statistics you drudge up. The sooner folks stop responding and whatnot the sooner the trolls will go away.

We’ve had people express extreme distress over the disgusting behavior of trolls here. Nothing says unwelcome like completely ignoring their nonsense.


Considering how long they go on, they usually don’t get banned

eh. it depends really. some are smarter than others but usually they eventually slip and fall.

That only happens if the trolling gets flagged, and then if the mod of the day is in the mood.

Though reporting people for politics in game does get them a vacation sometimes.


No poster ever claimed that no trans person never faced discrimination.

What I originally said was that blue states, particularly Massachusetts, is a lot more friendly to LGBT than some other states. Then I gave some examples from my own observations and discussions I’ve had.

If you are now putting words in my mouth then perhaps you should look in the mirror to find your troll.

Well considering you keep egging on the blatantly obvious trolls even after multiple requests to stop talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the thread

The shoe might fit you too buckaroo