LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

oooo Yeah I would not have thought of that use for Irish Spring

U’r right though, the green original has a real strong scent

lol I was telling Surfy because we love bunnies.


oo yeah, major adorables there :heart_eyes: :rabbit2:

I may not have had beer for Canada Day, but the local liquor barn had 36 case for 17$ off, so now I have many beer for July 4th lol

I’m a bit late on my Canadian celebration

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Good Stuff?

OH LOL I thought you were trying to prevent bunnies XD

But hey least you know how to keep away bunnies if need be.

It’s 5 p.m. somewhere. xD

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Not the best stuff, by 17$ off makes it the best lol

Hell yea brother


This is the only thing I need to prevent happening.


Yeah… yeah that would be pretty bad.

True for the right price anything is drinkable :slight_smile:

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Waking up thinking I slept okay and turns out it was only like. 2 hours.


My eyeballs feel like they’re full of sawdust

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Omg I hate that. You think you’ve slept all day and look over and it’s like… an hour… maybe 2.

You go to lay down at night and it’s like 'haha you ain’t sleeping" I hate that!

Or worse. You get that thing where your brain is too anxious so you suddenly feel like you’re falling in bed and you wake up. Which just makes you more anxious and it loops.

Yep. Although if you do it right, you can learn to control that. If you see yourself falling and all that, you can control your dream to just take off flying.

Idk if controlling dreams is normal but helps sometimes. Can be scary though when you’re having nightmares…

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It usually happens before my brain can enter rem sleep. Like when I’m trying to fall asleep.

I gotta take 2 different anxiety meds just to prevent that from happening lol

oh my =( yeah mine is like when I’m dead sleeping.

My brain trolls me sometimes. I was asleep and I heard a voice go “hey you wanna time travel”

I go “sure!”

And I immediately open my eyes and it’s daylight. I’m like… “did… did I just troll myself?!”

I mean technically sleep is time travel

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Trigun is getting a new anime adaptation and I’m so psyched. I just read the news about it.

The original anime was pretty much my first “not saturday morning cartoon” anime as a tween and I still love it.

It’ll be neat to see this follow the manga more as its quite different.


No. I mean hook-up culture wasn’t de rigeur. finding out if you’re actually interested in someone romantically before hopping in bed was.

Ah you mean typical dating.

Still a little different. But I’m very sleepy so I’m probably not gonna explain it well

I’m in basically a similar category. Well under the same section of the asexuality umbrella.