LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

it’s called lucid dreaming, and it’s fairly common. I’ve been able to lucid dream at various times of my life.

It can be VERY useful in stopping nightmares.

True but I’ve had friends end up making their nightmares worse by trying to lucid dream.

The brain is a tricky trollish thing

I get weirded out cause I’ll dream something then see it referenced after I wake up.

It’s weird. Probably a coincidence.

If not done right it can lead to sleep paralysis. THAT is not fun.

I had a really weak version of sleep paralysis once. Nothing scary happened. Could open my eyes. No weird hallucinations. I wasn’t really able to move for maybe 5 minutes. Least I was comfy.

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When I have em, I see figures.
Kinda like this:

It’s scary at first but then calming. Like whatever that is isn’t there to hurt me. It’s strange but you get a full body calm.

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I agree. I find it quite disturbing as well that people automatically sexualize LGBTQ+. And I largely blame the media for giving an extremely one dimensional view of the community that feeds into this kind of mindset.

Also I personally feel very unhappy about the discrimination the trans community faces. Especially when its done by people within the community.

Idk im just in a bad mood cause i havent had a peaceful sleep for 3 nights now.


Yo i had sleep paralysis a couple of times and the worst one was when i felt like some evil witch was pushing me down into the Earth??? I was terrified. Was sleeping on a couch at my navy camp back then and i told my friend that i experienced something bad and we both got out of there asap

A big thing around here too is old farts that wanna get in anyone’s business. Like, “omg you two sleep in the same room but aren’t married?!” That kind of thing.

It’s a control thing. They want to control other people’s lives because they have no control over their own.

That’s a demon. You all did good getting out of there. I’ve been possessed before. That ain’t fun. Demons will appear in different ways. Some like the witch, others look like angels or good beings.

Anyway, Got a big cross tattoo on my back to keep demons out. (I probably sound bonkers but hey least the tattoo is cool).

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Always exhausting hearing someone pester me about being asexual. Like somehow I’m making THEM asexual so they get all uppity and pushy


What got me out of it was touching my phone. I was like wait why the hell cant i move then i remembered my phone was nearby and managed to move my fingers to touch it.

Good god i was trying to protect myself by imaginging like some power word shield around me.

Shouldve used divine shield instead lmao

Right? To be fair, I mix up a lot of the terms so it’s like “hey… idk what you’re doing but that sounds good! You’re happy and everything is consensual / doesn’t involve animals / above the legal age so all is well.”

You were making a connection to the physical world in order to drive the thing off. And hey if you have to think of your bubble (or aura) as a bubble and it works go for it. However you wanna picture it.

btw I googled what asexual is and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. Like, you are who you are and that’s fine. You know? People have different tastes or maybe no tastes at all. We are all different.

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I wish I could link it here but there’s language but I loved seeing characters in What We Do in the Shadows and when someone was trying to explain the different sexualities. For context its about vampires so just imagine vampires but they’re also DUMB but in a fun way

This was from the movie, the tv show happened after. But this is pretty much how the humor goes

Lol I got you.

lol I found this on youtube xD


I mean this in the nicest most loving way possible: Dwarf IRL?

I aint short but na i shave it off lol


That’s who I linked. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been listening to masu basically since the early 2000s.

I’ve been known to be like… “I’m not happy with this situation. Oh wait, this is a dream, I’m going to just rewind and change the outcome.”

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oh! for some reason i didn’t recognize it. in my defense, i was listening to it on my phone in an airport D:

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It’s not the reality, or it least it hasn’t been in my experience, the transgender person I was close to, was probably one of the least sexual relationships I had, not that I wasn’t attracted to them, but their personality and the things we did together like going out sailing etc was what made them shine to me.

In truth, transgender people are a diverse group of people, I don’t know what we can do about the discrimination rather then remind people that we need to be tolerant of others, and not just be mean to people or make fun of them just because they are different.


“First time I watched Nightmare On Elm Street: Dream Warrior, I felt like it was teaching me how. Then I tried it, and it worked. It helped a lot, with my Night Terrors.”

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