LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You still need a safe way to deal with you anger and vent. I learned early on that I needed a way to deal with my bipolar without hurting other people as while people would understand why I was hurting or acting the way I was I could still have consequences for my actions. Depending on the person they just don’t care.

While I understand that there is a reason to be angry you need to channel it into something positive. You are not going to get very far expecting that because of who you are you can be angry for the sake of being angry.


Oh I totally agree and with my anger the way I dealt with it is through lifting stuff. I get mad or aggravated? I lift something, be it weights, logs, plants, or doing gardening. I go take a walk or something.

I separate myself from the situation in order to clear my head so I can think in a rational way, or at least attempt to.


Seems like it’d just be damaging peoples perception of whatever is being protested.

What’s that stopwatch reading now?

“That was over a year ago. That stop watch must be old and broken by now.”

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but doesn’t the pride flag have black and brown stripes for bipoc on it? and pink/white/blue for trans?

There’s like more than 40ish pride flags.


I see, so some people in the lgbt community consider bipoc to be part of the lgbt intersectional group while some do not?

Where did you get this idea from? This seems like borderline sea lioning.

Since you’re unwilling to Google it, I’ll take the 15 seconds to look up the Philadelphia pride flag aka “More Color, More Pride,” flag for you.

The person who first made the flag, her intention was, "to uplift the voices and experiences of LGBTQ people of color.” Nowhere does she say that “All BIOOC people are included in LGBT+.” Where are you getting this idea from?

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First - I asked a question that no one was obligated to answer, you chose to answer, I didnt put a gun to your head. If you don’t wanna answer or want to answer “google it” then take your antisocial attitude elsewhere.

Second - I have no idea what sea lioning is, or means, and in this context is your word you brought to the conversation so you’ll need to explain that if you want me to respond since I have no idea what it means.

Third - my roommate has two flags on her wall, a trans flag and a pride flag (the rainbow flag) that also has a black, brown, pink, white, blue stripe in a triangle down the middle, which she has told me means bipoc inclusive. Which means I assume some people consider part of lgbt in an intersectional way.

Fourth - why are you so hostile? I asked a question and you act like I just declared war on lgbt or something. Again if you didnt want to engage me, then why did you? I just asked questions I was interested in getting an answer for, why the aggro? Chill out.

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You say coming into this thread by choice and rather then muting it go to the catch all phrase that does not apply to the actions you chose to take by inserting yourself in here and shoving your hate down our throats.

Mute next time. If you have nothing nice to say well…


You should speak for yourself :slight_smile: I quite like it being shoved down my throat, thank you very much.


If you dont like it. Leave the forum thread and mute it. You came here and commented on your own accord to make a stink.

Also “normal” is subject. I’m straight and the way me and my fiance go at it is anything but normal.

I aint normal. I’m burley, i have a deep voice, and lot stronger than most women. Born this way and God made me like this. I am who i am.

Also a “straight” thread was started and it devolved into politics and hate speech.


“No hate but (sophistry and complaining, aka thinly veiled hate)”

It’s wild to me how many people are comfortable just… lying to people’s faces while presumably aware that everyone knows they’re lying. It’s something you SHOULD be deeply ashamed of and yet it’s a pattern of behavior that’s omniprescent online.


It is kinda funny how they always come in here and are like

“What’s this? A minority group that regularly faces hatred and violence made a thread? Now how can I, a straight dude, be the real victim”


People who complain about things being too “woke.”


The typical dumb straight guy thinking it’s JUST about who you have sex with. Gods, the absolute lack of any type of social awareness in humanity in this day and age is so disappointing.

I guess when you still have people believing and making laws based on a man-written book about an all-terrible Sky God, you’re bound to have to deal with a level of stupidity that holds us all back from living in the 21st century.


“Sea Lion” is a form of “Trolling” where someone is trying to enter comments for the sole purpose of getting a reaction.

Often times people who don’t accept the concept of there being more than one way to look at an issue will accuse anyone who disagrees with them of “trolling” or being a “Sea Lion”.


Hot. My mind is now in the gutter.

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