LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You’re bringing up a moot point that continues a useless argument. There’s no need for it. But if you’d like to discuss it by yourself, by all means.

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Well if music is gunna be posted, I may as well just

Have the video be unavailable so I gotta link it lame


So who died and made you the judge and executioner of which notes we are allowed to reply to and which ones we are not?


And that is where I ignore you. Don’t have time for such childish conversations. Good day.

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Oh no, the king and god of right and wrong and what can and can’t be posted is going to ignore me.


Just think, you could have done that after my 1st post and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


(Lady Cyndi Lou continues to feed coins into the Jute Box…)



“Here ya go. Good beat.”


I’m almost sensing a theme with the music lol

Also thanks for posting mine, just kept telling me video was unavailable so shrug

Trying to find songs that are safe for work is hard, I never realized how much profanity was in alotta songs I like

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LOL I screen capped this and sent it to a friend. This is golden XD

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“No problem. Once I heard that beat, I just HAD to help you share it. I wish I was sitting in that drum circle. I’ve done that. A circle of about 50 drummers, all following a Mother Drum beat.”

Theres just something about good drumming that just makes you like almost instinctively start pounding on something as well

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If you haven’t seen the movie that is from I highly recommend.


“My feet and the floor. I LOVE dancing to a good beat.”

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Oh I have and that movie is amazing. =)


“I don’t own it, but I’ve seen it MANY times.”


I will see your Runar and raise you one Tuuli.

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“I was just posting that for Mal. Their link wasn’t working.”


I’m fine, but I propose that given everything going on that if this is LGBT+ pride month, next month should be LGBT+ wrath month, where we get to be extra angry at what’s going on in the world.

Also, arguments that feature the word, “innocents” are an appeal to emotions and are therefore fallacious and should be dismissed on the spot.


You don’t “get to be” angry, anger is just something that happens. It’s like if the oil pressure on your car goes to zero, the car doesn’t “get to” turn on it’s oil pressure light, it just does.

And that’s a good thing. Both anger and oil pressure lights tell you something is wrong that needs to be addressed. So never be angry at anger or oil pressure lights, it’s just killing the messenger.

Also as a side note, your oil pressure light can fail and things can end badly without the warning sign being present.

It’s why it’s up to folks to reach out to folks and help when they see someone is having a rough time or being angry. Or, in the case of the oil pressure light, helping them if they see an oil leak in their driveway. Oil leak is slow and over time and that bulb for the warning light can go out.

You have to understand why folks may or may not feel angry pertaining to something. I understand why Zan is upset and why they feel the way that they do.

You know what I mean?