LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

yep yep :slight_smile:

So Iā€™ll soon have some puuurfict expenses :slight_smile:

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ā€œGet the black tiger, so we can match.ā€

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From what Iā€™ve seen on the priest, gear in bags donā€™t take damage.

So Iā€™ll make a dress or 2 for the warrior and have her stash her armor in a bag while i go for the rest of the flames

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You know me - getting beat up by the opposite faction is a good time :rofl:

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ā€œI need to wander off to sleep. Keep up the good work.ā€

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Sleep well

:hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rabbit2:

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Bunnies! :smiley:


Bunnies is important :heart_eyes:

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Bunnies!!! :rabbit: :rabbit2: :rabbit:


gonna get that cat :smiley: :heart_eyes:


Kitty and bunny.


They bring a smile sometimes :smiley:

I tend to my neighboorā€™s pupper sometimes. Itā€™s got me thinking I need my own one of these days

Zan, did you ever go for those peacock tea cups

I will eventually but not right now. Iā€™ve been 3d modeling up a storm. Commissions and stuff.

(Why does it delete quote text?)


Wouldnā€™t be bliz without a few quirks and other bugs :smiley:


Anyhow the peacock tea set is definitely on my gay agenda along side some pinky and the brain roleplay.

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They arenā€™t quirks. he copied an entire post, while responding directly after said post. There is no need to quote an entire body of text when youā€™re responding directly after that post. If you want the quote to show, you have to modify it somehow, or only quote a portion of it.

No, itā€™s entirely on you. Just quote a portion of the body, or donā€™t quote it at all. The forum literally tells you why itā€™s happening.


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So thereā€™s actually a method to Blizā€™s madness

Cool :smiley:

and Hello there :slight_smile:

Yeah, itā€™s just an anti-clutter thing. Itā€™s annoying, but does make sense, I guess.

And hello.

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