LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

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Funny who calls who a troll.

He does this all the time. He complains about trolls and trans-trolls, while making this thread kind of miserable.

This thread was supposed to be about inclusivity, but he uses it as a platform to shoot down trans thread ideas and to talk about politics. Kind of suspicious, really.

Not going to lie, the socks actually look pretty nice. But, I love buying socks for some reason. I have like a billion pairs.

Since the T’s refuse to stop concern trolling and the moderators refuse to investigate and punish them for their very obvious trolling, here are a couple of emails I’ve gathered so that we can deliver evidence that letting them run rampant like they have been has been legitimately harmful to the community. The first is pretty obvious, as it seems to be the PR department at Blizzard, and given the climate if enough people show them evidence of the harmful behavior something may be done.

The second is a bit less obvious and not something that they can directly do anything about at this time, but since it seems that the Microsoft acquisition is pretty much a sure thing at this point it may be worth letting them know how problematic one of their future companies has been in handling such harassment. This is Microsoft’s direct email regarding companies under their umbrella whose employees may be engaged in, refuse to handle, or are antagonistic toward their customers. Microsoft doesn’t tolerate actions which affects the customers and their bottom line, and making them aware of this situation may help them in determining what actions to take when the acquisition is complete. (buscond is short for business conduct)


And how do you differentiate between someone who is trolling by making suggestion threads, and someone who is simply enthusiastic about the movement?

The only answer, is that it isn’t easy, if possible at all. When it comes to this sort of thing, a lot of what makes a troll a troll is based on assumption.

And, as I’ve said before
 how do you differentiate between a troll and a person who claims to be an ally but simultaneously shouts down suggestion threads? If all they do is try to convince people that they’re good, while simultaneously doing nothing for the movement and attacking anyone who tries to make things better
 isn’t it simply easier to assume that the people shouting down the suggestion threads are themselves trolls or bigots?

You might not like all of the suggestion threads, but look at the same people, yelling at the OP of those threads, disregarding their thoughts and ideas. look at those same people in this thread chasing people away because they have different ideas and thoughts and feelings, members of the LGBTQ+ community no less. It’s the same people on both sides, over and over.

This thread was created to support the community. That is the fundamental goal of this thread. To be a great example. I’m seeing this thread devolve into something that isn’t respectful or inclusive, and it’s those same people that are doing the yelling in here, that yell in the suggestion threads.

If you think you have a problem with trolls, it’s probably a lot worse than you think.


Frequency. Collect the evidence of how often they post the same or similar topics with slight variations. A person making genuine suggestions doesn’t spam the topic daily, every other day, or weekly.


That’s fine, and I’d 100% agree if the things they were asking for were actually being implemented in game. As far as I can tell, there’s still almost no representation, and no suggestions have been implemented in game.

The stage of the conversation isn’t at a point where people should be relaxing. Well, that’s my opinion anyways.

Are you newer to the forums?

This is not meant as an insult, this is a legit questions


If you don’t hear from me for a while, it’s because I made a polite request to change BM hunter into a tank spec.


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I tried to give things time but people keep coming in here just to cause pain. I come here to have fun and get away from the nonsense in greater GD and if people are going to come in here and troll each other well I need a break. My anxiety is not worth these fights on if I am a true LGBT member or not constantly popping up lately. Like why? This is a fun hang out place for the community, I don’t need to worry about that here.



Also, unwillingness to listen to others when told they are causing harm. A normal person, when told, hey this thing you are doing is harmful because of x, y, and z, will definitely take that into consideration, take a look around, and reevaluate their behavior. It is very clear to pretty much everyone with eyes or a screen reader that the posts of the T-Trolls and friends are bringing about a huge amount of hatred and vitriol, all they have to do is look.

This thread was made because of those trolls. After this thread was made, the trolls continued for a bit then disappeared for a while ago about the same time. Because of the trolling, the initial reaction to this included people angry at another LGBT+ thread. The especially egregious stuff was deleted but some of that action still remains, but lots of people who don’t want to see LGBT+ threads due to the T-Troll spam muted this thread, and that’s fine. The whole point of this thread is to act as a containment thread and a place where we can vibe and people who don’t want to see it can mute it and not see it.

When the T-Trolls came back and started their crap again, the hate brigading in this thread went from a once in a while thing to a big problem. So much so that at one point the mods had to lock and move the thread so it could be cleaned up.

Other trolls like that human priest who had previously expressed takes that were the opposite and the dwarf warrior and that demon hunter started up with making LGBT+ troll threads too because it whips people into an anti-LGBT+ frenzy and are flag immune while doing so.

I became very concerned about how the constant anti-LGBT+ hate that the T-Trolls and friends were whipping up was affecting people, and what would happen if an LGBT+ person came to the forums and found multiple T-Troll and company threads and looked in them. Could you imagine seeing the pure unabashed vitriol that the mods let sit for hours or days without intervention in several threads? That would make some people feel absolutely unwelcome, hated, and if they were already in a bad place, it would be worse.

I became concerned that they act like they speak for all of us when they do not, making the rest of the forums think they speak for us. I felt the need to interject and speak out against their trolling and pretending to speak for all of us. Because they don’t.

It became very telling what their intentions were when I brought up how their spam is causing harm other LGBT+ posters and their failure to have any empathy or concern for others.

Compare to Water who when told what was going on with the troll threads and the harm it was causing, stopped, apologized, and came here to vibe instead. This is a normal well adjusted human reaction.

There’s also the content and quality and substance of the troll posts. It’s the difference between a well thought out post and, “More representation!” “Yeay LGBT+ but with garbled acronym!” or, “Yeay corporations selling minimum effort frankly fugly LGBT+ gear while getting the flag colors wrong!” or, “LGBT+ people want pride events in game, cater to us!”

There’s a difference between a totally substanceless demand for representation and a well thought out critique of what exists already, with suggestions on what can be done better and suggestions on what folks would like to see represented.

There’s a difference between, “I want LGBT+ events in game!” and saying, “Hey here’s a suggestion that could be seen as pride but is not really because the devs said LGBT+ is accepted in the Warcraft Universe,” and also coming to this thread and saying, “Hey, let’s organize some in game events we can host during Pride month.”

The T-Troll threads are often low quality bait.

As for people saying my speaking out against bad faith low quality bait, “suggestions,” is suspicious. I have a photo of the package with my testosterone refill against my character selection screen as well as photos of two letters I had my doctor in the city I used to live in write when I was moving to where I live now. They include my diagnosis information as well as medication, including a statement that I meet both the DSM and WPATH criteria for gender dysphoria and that it is medically necessary to recieve gender affirming care as set forth by various guidelines.

I am who I say I am.


Man I haven’t played TF2 in so long. My nephew and I used to play it all the time.


(Lady Cyndi Lou peeks in
“Is it safe?”

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It does have it’s moments

The month is almost over :slight_smile:

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“I feel like it’s not safe ANYWHERE any more.”


That other thread really did have some bad moments lately

I even had a couple of people chase me in classic going for flames - :rofl: been years since that has happened

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Gave the priest over there a day, I wanted to see if I could steal the city flames and the repair bills on a cloth wearer are just so much better :smiley:

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“I gave up on the holidays a long time ago. They are no fun alone.”


They’re allowing me to catch up on silver coins

I see a big expense in 4 more levels :slight_smile:

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“Warrior almost to 40?”

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