LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

lolol that would be great!

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Ah, not sure about that lol
But I do think the game should emphasis comic relief a lot more than it would now.

Was there any comic relief in Shadowlands? At all? I canā€™t think of any.

In BfA, Talanji makes a joke about the player being thrown off the pyramid. There were more examples, but at some point it becomes grotesquely bleak.

Edit: I stand corrected. I can think of two examples.

  1. the maldraxxi construct that follows you and says ā€œDID U GET A BOO BOO?ā€

  2. the Winter Queen scolding Bwonsamdi in Ardenweald.

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Iā€™d rather have funny writers from elsewhere.


Rotten is a plumber hat away from being Waluigi.

So was kinda disappointed that my destro spec was simming lower then my demo spec by a huge marginā€¦

Was due to the wrong talents since I had 4 set. Changed it all up and itā€™s simming about the same dps as demo so decided to try it out in some keys and O.M.G! When I get multiple rain of fire procts itā€™s a freaking beautiful haze of green rain that on some packs in dos I hit past 50k

I was freaking out like what!?! I thought demo was fun and great once it ramped up but now with the spec that really shows off the green fire I earned back in MOP firing off like the fel of July (heehee)

Iā€™m now obsessed with both specs. Happy as a pup with a new chew toy that both specs are haste then mastery stats. Makes gearing easier but I then realized the not so good trinket for demo Iā€™d gotten to drop off the prototype pantheon. The eulogy one itā€™s an S on destroā€¦ I have the seal from them but Iā€™d given the other away since at the time I was demo and didnā€™t think Iā€™d play destroā€¦

Welp now Iā€™m hoping I get it from vault xD just wish I had a raid guild for the weekendā€¦ The raid is fun but pugs seem to always fall apart on the giant worm some reason. Was 4/11 mythic on my old druid but that trial didnā€™t work out.

Ah anyway Iā€™m rambling sorry! Hope you all are having a good time! <3


I main destro and it slaps with the 4 set. I love it. I gotta work on changing some pieces around and I may try out demo just for funzies.

100k+ on packs can be really fun too and on weeks where itā€™s pull it all and burn itā€™s real fun.


Once I get some better itemized pieces and mostly at that 270 range I canā€™t wait to see the crazy numbers! Itā€™s definitely becoming more a fav then demo though is still love demo crazy amount of pets oh Iā€™m hoping so hard my 15 slot in the vault rewards me something tasty!

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Oh yeah hopefully so! Keep your pieces that you do get even if itā€™s in another slot cause I save them in order to switch pieces around if need be.

Speaking of I have a 278 tier slot in my bank I gotta figure out how to swap things around in order to get it to work lol I have unity on my chest. xD haha

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Hurmā€¦ I do know most say helm for unity which Iā€™d finally gotten a second ring for the Wilfred ringā€¦ Doh just realized the two keys I did as destro I think I was wearing my raid leggo not that ring :joy:. Well now I need to remember that and test it out in the next key.

Keeping track that destro has a separate soulbind and leggo for raid to m+ unlike demo staying the same in both is throwing me off a tad.

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Ya I could do helmet my issue is my gloves are lower ilevel so I would essentially be doing a bigger upgrade but at the same time I gotta evaluate what to do. The helmet has haste / mast on it and I believe the gloves are haste / crit so Iā€™ll have to look around.

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Trueā€¦ I just farmed the heck outta any and all keys for main armor and turned them into tier but now I have to grind valor because I now have so many upgradable peices x_x
Like yay got the gambit staffā€¦too bad itā€™s 6/12 I thinkā€¦? And many other peices are 5-7 gonna take forever unless my vault throws me the bis at vault 15 rank xD

Omg I feel the same way I got both trinkets and a few other pieces. I still gotta get my classwork done in order to run a key with a friend that I said I would run their 14 PF with.


this is literally nothing compare to the centuries of it all. like my god you are talking about facebook and twitter compare to a culture. WOW

edit: hidden profile player btw (so it thinks)

when lgbt pride coming? I need to sign up!

ā€œSign up for? Is there an event or something?ā€

Weā€™ve already exceeded our pride quota for this year due to trolls. Try again next year.



Sorry if I annoyed anyone with my silly thread ā€¦love you peeps


Very happy to see this thread still alive and well.

I want this thread on the front page at all times! It is a good thing for inclusivity. If i was looking at these forums for the first time- without even clicking on this thread, id feel more welcomed.



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I just got new pride merchandise from Blizzard store. Itā€™s all pretty nice, especially the steel cup. Iā€™m thinking of getting the pride hat but need some opinions on others who purchased.

Hoping that more pride gear will be added next year too. Weā€™ll need to celebrate this important event with as much support as possible.

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