LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Isn’t it entirely possible, that the bigoted anti LGBTQ+ people, have convinced others that he’s a troll, because they simply find him or his views and messages appalling?

If it’s possible for a troll or bigot to make threads that are concern-trolling, or suggestion-trolling, why isn’t it possible that they take other sides of the argument? Seems like that statistically, it’s improbably that every person that jumps on the hate for that guy is well-intentioned, when they’re probably just trolls or bigots.

Maybe so but if one is going to make posts for placing real life into the game then they should then explain why they themselves are going to make the statement that the forums have nothing to do with rl events when that’s an argument against the very thing the only thing he tends to do. Then states context is missing and being twisted by directly asking why he wants to insert real social issues that pertain exclusively to reality in a game where LGBTQ pride month wouldn’t be because as the developers state there’s no homophobia in wow this pride wouldn’t have come to be because it’s event was due to the fight against oppression and stonewall.

Can’t have one without the other… It is hypocritical. /Shrugs

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Not really. Pride month and juneteenth, are only openly celebrated because a politician wanted to win political points for coming elections, and corporations wanted to sell more crap. Now, I can understand why you might think that there was some sort of struggle for greater equality, but, it already existed… and we know the players voices don’t matter, because NONE of the suggestions by would be supposed trolls (or not) have been implemented in game.

Either way, it’s a huge assumption to assume anyone is a troll simply because they’re passionate about pride events, and more inclusivity. I’d be a bit more judging of people who claim to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, who also go on to shout down any suggestions for the community, instead of embracing them.

I feel like if you wanted to spot wolves in sheep’s clothing, that’d be a great place to start. You have people in this thread alone who openly state they aren’t a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but also shout down supposed “trolls”, so, realistically, what are their real goals and intentions?

Don’t feed the trolls. Just report and move on. If we don’t respond they don’t get notifications that call them back here.


my ignore list grows. i have no idea what the trolls are saying, they have been swallowed by the void. a perilous fate for any bold or ignorant enough to share their big brain take on why we should somehow feel bad that they’re not allowed to be a thorn on everyone’s side.

so anyway the void is pretty cool ngl

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And here is the guide to the void.

Such a trip needs an “ehem” fun guide.


I was reading a thread talking about deleting heroic raiding. And someone said Blizzard should put gear in “fun social” activities (that’s raids for me).

But I’m tempted to write a satire post demanding rewards for roleplaying.

It could be entertaining.

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that cat has witnessed creation and destruction. observing the infinite flow of time spent within a single moment

on the edge of reality

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Wouldn’t be a bad idea. Obviously blizzard won’t, but RP groups could provide a BoE for certain RP scenarios. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I posted the thing.


hey…I’ll never say no to free lootz XD

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Did someone say free?!


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hey yo the culture of Ukraine doesnt stand with this even tho you stand with this. Get it? Look up more Countries.

Some of those comments are truly disgusting to read tbh. I don’t mind if we have a difference in opinion, but not at the expense of dehumanzing someone else.

I feel like some of us try to do our part within what we can control, by speaking in a language that our community can understand and asking them to stop making threads, but I also wish that people on the other side would take a stronger stand to not say such things and to stop feeding those trolls. Their vitriol and hate is EXACTLY what they are fishing for.


I couldn’t agree more.

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I like the concept of it but each expansion makes me more meh about it. it’s a screentime issue. the devs feel the need to go at light speed. The Emerald Nightmare was a high level threat that could’ve been an entire expansion and it was the first raid tier of an expansion, same with N’zoth and the black empire. I think they should really slow down. Blizzard excels at stories most people already know exist and have been around for awhile so idk why they are so desparate to do an any% killing gods speedrun.

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My roommate sent me this link the other day:

According to Kyiv Pride, there’s over 30 LGBT+ organizations in Ukraine. There was a planned vote to make same sex partnerships recognized by the law but then they got invaded.

I’d suggest you do some research outside of rightist Facebook groups, but it’s clear that the worms have eaten your brains and you can’t be reasoned with. You can’t even be bothered to write properly. So onto ignore you go.


Theres no law stating wow expansions need to be written dark and seriously - they should hire some writers in the tradition of Southpark and make the game more comical, we already have gnomes might as well push it farther. Would match the forum posts of late.