LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

What do you mean make Anduin gay?


I tend to only do it when I notice something against the CoC gets posted but seems to not be getting caught :wink:

He’s pointing out the fact the trolls tend to and actually just made/make posts shipping anduin and wrathion as some kind of LGBTQ representation post. Which one of the Ts just did

Sorry I was just trying to do a little stand up comedy.


Ah my apologies it flew over my head I am a bit dense and lack common sense at times hehe ^^;.

Wasn’t that troll up here trying to defend themselves, and then they make yet another troll thread? This is just tiring.


Yep. I recall their first post was an anduin x wrathion troll thread and now they have come full circle in posting that agenda once again. They apparently are blind and deaf and cannot read a room.

They refuse to stop with their posting which proves they are of I’ll intentions and trolling. It’s so weird we all see this so blatantly obvious yet blizz keeps allowing it. The part I almost choked on my coffee with laughter is when they were in here saying how wonderful for the forums the copy paste troll they are of is so great. It came off as someone complementing themselves.

That trolls level of self absorption, it is astounding they haven’t collapsed in on themselves to become a black hole. Though they could already be that as they suck in any good faith and destroy all around themselves.

But onto more pleasant things. I’m having my morning coffee with my eternal best friend and love trying to figure out a plan for the day. It feels so cool and beautiful this morning. The weekend storms have washed away the cold and humid summer to a cool 70s in SC!

I am so ready for a walk at the hatcher gardens! My surgery area has finally stopped the bleeding just healing ITCH! Argh haha.
I hope it’s a lovely beautiful morning for you all as well! I feel today is a day to smell the fresh air and be out in nature!

I hope all of you have a wonderful beautiful day today! Until I make a return stay calm,happy and keep love and joy within to reflect positivity to others. Love you all!

Just because someone does something that you don’t approve of, doesn’t mean that their being LGBTQ+ is invalidated. You can disagree with a persons actions, without simultaneously trying to tell the world that they aren’t a real LGBTQ+ member of the community. What you’re doing, is bad, and you should probably know better.

Not sure where you read in my post that I said they weren’t LGBTQ I have issues with trying to take a fanfic troll topic and using LGBTQ as a justification to validate a silly shipping fanfic that holds little validity

Their post history and most interaction with those that disagree with their point of view is hostile and usually boils into name calling. Its copy and paste of another who does the same thing and it places LGBTQ members who likewise disagree with their opinions into a spotlight that brings hostility to this place.

Seems you also cannot read the room and place claims into others as the person I’m talking about. Which is another reason he is constantly met with hostility and then claims to only be friendly and positive 100% the time.

You don’t build a good reputation by spamming topics that stir the pot so to speak and then further it by throwing about insults and assumptions. Or again claiming something said that was not said.

As for those who label others not “real LGBTQ” they have done that plenty by treating any who don’t have the exact same opinion as phobic or bigoted so they should probably practice what they preach it is bad I agree and they should probably stop perpetuating the same attitude they dislike hm?

This has been their reactions whenever one disagrees instantly if you have any options that are against you’re not real LGBTQ. It’s coming from both sides so get what you put out I suppose.

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The main problem I have with the troll threads isn’t even that they keep popping up. It’s the other people that post hateful/ignorant things in them that bothers me, and I don’t see enough blame being put towards those posters. Seeing posts suggesting that I’m mentally ill or some sort of abomination just for being who I am just depresses me ever so slightly, as I try to remember that those people are wrong and that their opinion shouldn’t matter. I want to call them out on it but I refuse to bump those threads any further than they already are at this point.


Everyone knows those posts are bad, and are at a higher risk of being reported and actioned.

However, the moderation can’t seem to pick up that these people are trolls roleplaying LGBT+ to make us look like we’re all making these ridiculous asks and that every time they spam they whip not only crappy people into a frenzy but everyone else who is tired too. It’s slowly sowing seeds of annoyance abd hate at all of us.

News reports...

recently have mentioned that it’s becoming very popular for certain groups to target LGBT+ people and vilify us on social media. The results have been threats on LGBT+ events including a group raiding drag queen story hour, a group of over 20 men with military garb and riot shields and suck who planned to raid and start a riot at a pride event (thankfully got caught). There was also the guy threatening to “hunt” LGBT+ people in a popular store chain. A group of those people wanting to whip gamers into a hateful frenzy and sow that hate through spam seems in line with that.

Basically I can multitask and hold both accountable. I just need the mods to, you know, stop assuming good faith from these obvious trolls.


Besides being woken up early because I had to wait on the bathroom in the middle of the night I am doing good. A new short story I put out is doing better than I thought it would. :slight_smile:


The wow forums have nothing to do with real life events.

Love that game.

I’m addicted to a small race mod called Mantodeans and love it enough I’m learning how to mod the game myself to add to them

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then why do you insert real life things into it and ask for real life to be pushed into wow?

Sounding a tad hypocritical.


:yawning_face: getting boring seeing you take things out of context and twisting them.

Care to elaborate then?

Still waiting


It’s not out of context it’s literally what you do and ask for all the time. It’s a legitimate question but sure play it off as if your requests are not exactly asking for real life things in wow. Didn’t expect actual honesty only deflection anyway which proves the point all the same. Hypocrites never explain their hypocrisy because then they’d have to fact the fact of their own bigotry. Cheers!

Also kinda like a soccer mom you kinda show I’ve hit a nerve usually it’s always placing an emoji to try to play off as entertainment but it’s really a tell. You definitely don’t like I brought attention to that little stumble of logic you’ve exposed. Emojis are usually placed in people’s moments of high emotional triggers, you “yawn” to brush off a question that brings forth your belittlement of something real life to wow forums yet that’s all you yourself do is advocate for bringing real life issues that can’t meld with wow and request it be inserted in anyway. It is hypocritical and bigoted.

You can get all dismissive and play false pretenses but your timeline on the forums shine truth that my question is a valid one and your flippantly responding shows you to be quite devious and dishonest with your motives as I was asking said question when the the full context all know of because we all have seen your posts.

So please answer the question why do you being real life into the forums and constantly ask for real life issues be placed in a world they don’t exist purely because you want them there but then use an argument “real life doesn’t belong in the forums”
When that’s really the only thing you do?

So then another question atop that is what’s the “missing context?”. Because it seems very clear as the cloudless sky you’ve just had a stumble and are now trying to create a logical fallacy by stating that it’s ok for you to say things because “missing context”

(And here comes kittr to save the day I see you typing down there)


It’s Juneteenth and Pride Month which means, today, I am at ultimate power.