LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Oh my god you unbelievably sweaty nerd.

Have you tried Bannerlord? It’s objectively better but I’ve never been able to stick with a campaign as long as I have with Warband.

I don’t play it as much due to them wiping your progress with major patches.

Kind of hoping they eventually finish the game so that stops.

I do really like it though.

That and my Elden Ring playthrough took up a lot of my time a few months ago lol.

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The problem I’ve always had is they have a really good banner creation system and I’ve tried desperately to recreate the heraldry I made for a Cavalier I played in a Pathfinder campaign once, but they broke the mod that gave you access to the full banner creation stuff and it crashes if you use one of the incredible ones you can make. And every time I try to start a campaign I inevitably try to get it working, it fails, I get salty and I sour on doing a campaign.

I think last time I played I did sandbox mode as I want to save the campaign for when the game releases.

That and I prefer sandbox mode as it feels more like Warband lol. You just go into the game and do what you want from the start. My last game I got to a vassel stage and stopped when they gave me a town but it was ugh outside of my starting faction or something like that I don’t remeber exactly and I kept losing the trust of the town as I had a pentaly for being a foreigner.

As for mods I have never really gotten into those.

Are you into town-building stuff? Rimworld is sort of a 2d cross between Minecraft and Stardew Valley where you play as an in-game faction, so you start the game with like two dudes and an old woman who’s heavily crippled by her addiction to peyote and you end up having towns across the continent and extract tribute from all the tribals in the region.

You should check out Native Expanded at the very least.

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I haven’t really tried those games. (I did try Minecraft but havn’t gone back to it in a long time.)

Also I need to get off for the night. This is the time I exercise right before I head off to bed. Have a good one. Talk to you later.

Later, tater!

Pretty good. Finally getting around to watching better call saul season 5 and season 6 right now.

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What is the natural order of things?

Tax Evasion.


Just putting it out there I thought it was way funnier when me and Alice just continued our conversation without interacting with that post.


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What in tarnation?

Why is the political right always claiming everything they don’t agree with is politics?

Apparently my existing and playing a vidya game is politics somehow.


/understanding hug

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How is that post even still up?

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“It takes them a while, when there is so much to do.”

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I made a meme the other night when I saw another troll thread.


“I saw that in the other thread. Good job, I like it.”

“I would have made it a Parrot, though.”

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I made another one just now. Now I shall sleep.


I managed to come at the end, and went to dance with some troll by the fountain. Wished I didn’t forget the timing :confused:

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