LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I never thought I would see the day where treating people like human beings would be the problem for someone.

Time to go back to Wonderland.


only people that we agree with are treated like humans tho, no?

So by your logic, myself trying to
 be nice
 be understanding
 wanting to converse with folks
 and trying to understand where their views are and embrace with loving is
 being a bigot?

Can I come with Alice? The cat and the mad hatter have tea.


This is not how it works. The mods do not action you unless you’ve done something to actually warrant it.

There is an automatic system that will hide your post but thats it. After that someone has to review it.

there are a lot of people on the forums that dont see it that way.

I believe its very safe to say, people who choose to have horrible opinions don’t deserve respect

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I love Alice in Wonderland.
Even the live action version, the red queen with the big head and the white queen with the weird swirly thing


how is wanting people to go away, wanting to converse with them?

And they are perfectly within their right to be wrong about the truth of how the flagging system functions. lol

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and thats just your wrong opinion, i wont report for it tho :slight_smile:

I will have a civil discussion and disagree with you all you want. But if try and harm me for who I am or anyone else then yes I won’t have much incentive to want to know you.

It isn’t really possible to get along 100% of the time, even between the best of freinds. But only true jerks go out of their way to harm others and find enjoyment in it and I have no time in my life for such nonsense. I am willing to work out problems between us only if you are going to give me the same effort. If you can’t well. . .


Choices have consequences

Just fall down the rabbit hole.

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yea i guess im just trying to say the people here that dog pile report are those jerks.

I want more specifically the trolling aka the behavior. And if someone is purposefully upsetting others in a way that is to harm others, potentially to the point of causing mental anguish, isn’t that not a good thing to want them not participating in conversation?

I understand that and the issue comes in is that the trolling creates a false sense of things that harms folks. It creates a division instead of allowing for folks to come together and just
 accept and be loving and supportive.

hops in hole


I honestly didn’t know this about you but I’m sorry to hear that and of course I love you dearie, also comfort hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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It would be an odd thing to try to report
 Nothing I’ve said or done is against the CoC.

Most of the folk who come in here to complain at us rather than vibe though often like to violate the CoC. Its confounding to me that people will go out of their way into a thread that they clearly have no interest in and be surprised when folk react negatively to their hostile comments.

Like I said, we’re not beholden to lovingly accept hostility and Blizzard encourages folk to flag things that are against the CoC for their review.

I don’t really get your points or why you think they make a lot of sense.

Like I said she didn’t know she was doing it and compared to a lot of mental abuse situations it was relatively light. Its affected me a fair bit I’ve come to find in life but I can work round the effects and mostly have gotten through it.

I appreciate the hugs and comfort my friend.

(I also should note that my mom was also abused as a child both mentally and physically. We’re trying to help her with that too. As a family we’re trying to come together and fix what was broken.)


Awe I’m sorry to hear about that. /hug

I went through something similar with my mom and my mom is almost 70 and still has a lot of issues and we try to help her as best we can. We understand that some of the stuff she did wasn’t her fault and she would lash out in different ways.


i get you, i’m of the belief that exposure will help the things you fear might happen. like mental anguish.

i went to wonderland for two years and i attribute a fragment of my return to me exposing myself to many different facets of our reality. trolling being one, which often lends some truth, like comedy.

Why? It’s literally just you people. If someone has a party that’s too loud someone will come up and say can you people keep it down? Try not reading too much into something that’s not there.