LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I’m sorry but under no circumstances are my rights as a trans person to live my life, to get or hold a job or education, to get medical care, and to not be discriminated against based on my gender identity up for debate.

I’m not obligated to entertain the talking points of people like you or that other troll who don’t consider me a human being.


I wouldn’t think watching people troll eachother is a good place to come for seeing reality. All they do is get enjoyment off of other people’s misery, most aren’t even serious in what they say. If you are looking for reality, trolls are not it.


Yeah thats my mom in a nutshell. (Though shes a tad younger). Trying to convince her to move up where I live now so I can keep a closer watch on her and my brother and I can make sure shes getting the help she needs.

you’re lucky to be able to.

I understand that, but there is a massive difference between a difference of opinion and someone attempting to make folks upset.

Oh boy…

I ain’t explaining that. You know the meaning of it.


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Its all you seem to be able to do

thankfully i can shut this puppy off now, blacking out ina loop thought has long since past.

I’m so down with a tea party right now.

I need peacock tea cups.

It’s not the place of anti-LGBT activists like you to decide who needs exposure and to what level and in what amount.

Exposure therapy is something that is recommended only by a treating psychiatrist, a treating psychologist, a licensed psychiatric nurse practitioner, a licensed therapist, or licensed clinical social worker. Being a conservative is not a qualification to make that recommendation, especially for someone you don’t know from Adam and when you aren’t on their care team, which you are not.


I might not know you like I know Fen but here’s some comfort hugs for you as well dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Ooooh that would be fun. That may be a fun thing to look out for when I go to thrift stores! I may start hunting uranium glass and getting a special book shelf for it.

Awe ty for that! /hug


They look like they’d be nice for a party

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Yep. I learned a long time ago from some kid in middle school who was somehow wise for that age but if you are in pain you don’t shame others for the pain you are in. I was just learning how to deal with my Biploar and thought I could use it to my advanage and he said “Why is your Biploar more important then well I can’t remember what he had.” It was part of our schools mental illness class. We went on to have a bit of a discussion and I felt really bad for using my mental inless like that.

But the point is the pain you are in no matter what it is dosn’t excuse you hurting others. Yes people should be there to help you but you shouldn’t say “Hey my leg is broken here. What is wrong with you why won’t you get your lazy butt here and help me? I don’t see your legs borken.” You don’t get help that way lol.


W/e believe what you want to

Sounds fun.

I want this.


Oh completely understandable. We all go through different things in life, and it’s better to be understanding of different things. Sometimes we can’t see the inner workings of what someone is going through and we all need a hand every so often.


Oooh that is an amazing cup!


The blue ones look nice :slight_smile:

I like all of them except for the yellow one.

The thing is I can probably buy a set off Alibaba for much lesi could probably get a whole set with one that is each of the six colors of the rainbow and a matching pot. It would be a gay peacock tea set.


That is a pretty cup

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yeah, the yellow just don’t work

I know of 1 person that would absolutely love the cup and she passed away. My grandmother LOVED things like this.