LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

lol I know. I make money off of stories like that. But outside of that just have fun. You want more well pay up for a story in private.


Yeah more or less my concern.

I know a few friends who would need to change theirs in that case to protect their real life names. Which the real ID is supposed to protect anyways.

Other than that just getting randomly messaged (again) wouldn’t be fun.

I have had problems with an ongoing harassment thing since MoP that make me uncomfortable with this type of nonsense.

It’s much safer to take away the ability to start threads from low level troll alts who make up most of the problems on the forums.


Because then you give them what they want. They feed off you responding to them. You ignore and report them they have nothing to feed off of.

I do know what this means and I understand it’s counter part. Doesn’t mean I have to engage the other part.

I understand what a hornets nest is and should I stick my hand in it to understand it better? No.

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Cause, on a game forum, I’m not beholden to bother to listen to them, and I’m encouraged by Blizzard, for many reasons on their end, to report those who break the coc.

So I put folk on ignore and if they’re violating coc I’ll flag em too.

I’m not a punching bag for those sorts.

That’s the other thing. I fully recognize that simply doing btag isn’t going to be enough. That’s easy to get around or just not care about.


well i was responding to someone who claims to be a loving person, idk what you claim to be.

i just dont think loving people want others to go away for what they say and believe, thats actually the definition of bigotry.

Au contraire.

Tolerant people must be intolerant of intolerance.

Loving people must be hateful of hate.

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Being a loving person doesn’t mean you have to interact with every person you come across and like them. That is just asking to be put into abusive siutations.


more often than not people just don’t see value in trying to welcome and bring in someone who “disagrees” because they’re looking for some kind of debate or something.

It’s not a debate. Sometimes people just want to live their life and not have to spend time, energy and resources throughout the day just to justify existing or what have you.

I love my mom.

My mom still, without intent to do so, abused me mentally.

Am I beholden to let her continue those bad behaviors?

Call me a hateful person cuz I think pathetic trolls should get the boot

bigotry defined: obstinate and unreasonable attachment to a particular creed, opinion, practice, ritual, or party organization; excessive zeal or warmth in favor of a party, sect, or opinion; intolerance of the opinions of others.

well i guess i hoped nobody was interpreting my words as green light for violence for a call for violence lol.

“obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group”

Maybe don’t change the definition to suit your point

Bigotry has nothing to do with hating peoples opinions



was just a copy and paste

source-The American HeritageÂź Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

“The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance.”

You know I can look that up as well right?

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Seriously? You’re going to seriously sit there and state that myself loving others and trying to understand where others are or aren’t from and be in their shoes is somekind of bigotry?

Someone can have a different opinion than me and that’s fine. The trolls in the thread literally do it in order to make people attempt to hate each other. I don’t like the trolling.

I even made an in game community that literally welcomes everyone long as people are cool with each other and are nice.


yes, i genuinely think our community is filled with bigots.

wrapping it up with a bow and making it sound cute is transparent to some.

Its less that and the logic you’re using.

No one is beholden, whether they’re a loving person or not, to deal with someone else being hostile.

It doesn’t cost anyone anything to be put on ignore/put someone on ignore, and if someone gets flagged and the mods decide that they’re going to action them, then its the actioned parties fault anyways

You don’t sit there and take it just because you’re a loving person.


it seems if something gets enough reports the mods will just take it down regardless of context.

Silencing people doesnt compute for me. unless their words are illegal ofc.