LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I was thinking about it and I think that Blizzard making the level requirement to post a thread in this forum higher would greatly reduce the trolling.

Like, level 51/last xpsc level cap +1 or higher would reduce issues, but 60 / level cap would be better.

The trolls will have to choose between leveling their troll toon (time or $$$ for boost) or posting on a toon that they actually play. Trolls hide on alts to avoid accountability. Posting on a higher level character increases the chance they’ll be held accountable. There are websites that connect alts to mains, and even if they opt out of those a new armory site that does stuff like that could appear at any time.

As for burner accounts—anyone can pay 15 dollars a month and post threads. With my change, there’d be multiple barriers for entry for sock puppet accounts like the ones trolls use. They’d have to buy the current expansion and every future expansion ($$$) and then actually play the game to level (a couple hours minimum) or buy a boost ($$$). This might be too much effort or cost for the troll.


I would just like for everyone to get along. You know? We be happy and accept everyone for how they are and all the trolls just go away.

I know it’s wishful thinking, but life is too short. We need to love and care for each other.


Have to consider new players that might use the forums to learn how to do certain things in game. It ends up removing a legitimate use of the forums.

The troll in mind already made two mistakes in: 1) making a duplicate thread too soon (for which action should be taken) and 2) proving their intent of posting the topics (which is usually hard to do if the person is smart) by brushing off concerns of harm to other users of the forum as “insane”. Any sincere person making those specific topics would show empathy when told such things and can no longer be considered naive.

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hehe exactly Alice! /hugs


Otherwise I will shrink you.

Or worse lol


This restriction would only apply to General.

The new player excuse doesn’t work because this exists:


I belive in actually punishing the trolls then making more strict rules like this. If stuff like this would go into affect I would have to stop posting on this toon which I would hate. I picked Alice to post on the fourms over my Classic main because well 1) I love Alice in Wonderland and all of the gif’s I use and 2) I get to be called my irl name that way lol.

I don’t want to be forced to level my retail toon just to hang out with my freinds in GD. Sure I am playing retail again because I want to but I don’t want to be forced to. The TBC fourms are depressing. No for fun threads and so, so much complaning. That and trolls there are not dealt with at all. I don’t want the fact that I perfer to post on my classic toons to get me locked in that scary place.

I have said it mutiple times that I try to come on the fourms to hang out and fun. I don’t want to be punished for that.


How about a meet in the middle. Classic toons it’s a minimum of level like, 40 and retail it’s 1k achievement points (which is doable questing etc) unless a person is posting in the new player forums, tech chat, recruitment or customer support?

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I thought I saw talk about trying to get classic toons on the armory in Wrath.


I would like that. Armory would make sense for wrath due to the introduction of achievements.

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Well I cancelled my sub I think I am going to take a break enjoy some other games for now. Only have 22 hours left I’m just notifying everyone currently

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That will definitely encourage some people. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

would you like to speak to the manager?

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I see a nice vacation in your future


I know, because this world can’t handle the truth


They could also make it so your btag shows up regardless of character
 Though I could see a few potential problems with that.

My brain is half like

And half like


If it’s a privacy / stalker thing, I’m sure blizzard’s software engineers can come up with a way to show the btag on forums but prevent anyone from sending messages or friend requests to that btag unless you specifically allow it.

I’d love to know which group of trolls are all controlled by the same person. It’s completely different from realID in that you can maintain anonyminity while simultaneously being held accountable

Dang that got yeeted quick


you cant even know what this means until you know its counter parts.

you hate the trolls,

you fear what they might say next.

why not welcome them and be confident enough to stand your ground?

instead of blocking and hiding behind a report?