LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I have nothing to be embarrassed about, nor am I in any hole or have dug myself into anything. You, in fact, should be embarrassed of your skills in reading and comprehension. They are indicative of what is wrong w/society today.

Talk to your alts man they share your pathetic opinion. Weirdo can’t even move on or mute a thread :rofl:

What character I post on has ZERO and I do mean ZERO, nada, nill, nothing, 0 to do with the topic or the conversation. Once again, your attempt to defer and deflect won’t work.

I’m going to disagree with this, right here. For example, I take issues with (I’ll call it) “love making” scenes. If I wanted to watch “love making”, I wouldn’t be watching a movie. I’d be watching (I’mma call it) “adult entertainment” (if you know what I mean). I don’t even like it when “straight” couples do it. I find it completely pointless and irrelevant to the moving of the plot even in romantic stories.

I like more subtle clues like the way the Brady Bunch movie handled it.

Now you’ve moved into name calling. Well that seems about spot on for you I’d say.

I’ll just refer you back to my original statement – Nothing I’m embarrassed about or any holes I’ve dug I’m concerned about.

Oh man, he’s actually doing it. He’s sealioning.


Yeah I did I don’t care your acting like a baby just as I am when you decided to say why does this thread exist. Mods deemed it can exist you don’t like it be an adult and move on.

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I feel like it really depends on the couple in question. I would say man on man kisses are a lot more heavily scrutinised than woman on woman.

I mean hell, we’re getting a woman kissing a woman in a Disney movie with Lightyear. And I dunno if you can get a media company that panders to middle class sensibilities more than Disney.


You’re attempt at trying to get me to respond in any other manner not relating to my statements won’t work. It is an old trick – Defer and deflect, bring in emotions or anger, etc won’t work either. Nice try.

You enjoy the rest of your day…I’ve got work to do.

Then stop derailing LMAO. Your work was probably being called out for being a crybaby on a thread existing. Glad you took my advice and moved on like an adult after that child fit you threw


OMG! That is one pandering I cannot stand are the promotion of “woman on woman”. Everytime I see it, I can’t help but think the women are being objectified. I didn’t like the story connection between these two women in this one show I watched because it felt too insincere.

Even though, in this same show, despite the “man on man” having more heart, in its story, neither of the two kissed. But, I have such a soft spot, for them even though they weren’t overtly nor over the top with their chemistry unlike the “woman on woman” one.

EDIT: The only time I get to see the two “man on man” kiss is through fan-art :sob:

I’m sure you think you’re coming across as a ‘Ben Shapiro facts and logic no emotions’ (:roll_eyes:) guy in this discussion, but you really just look like a fool. Stop, for your own sake.

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He looks like one of those guys who think he’s all important in what he has to say by calling us not special but then throws a fit when we toss it right back at ‘em.

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I suspect it’s just because women don’t care as much whereas straight men are really the weakest link re: social change.

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I’m not talking about explicitly showing relations of the biblical sense.

But that seems to be what people expect when people argue for more LGBTQ representation in media, instead of y’know, just portraying Mr and Mr Smith as a loving couple with an adopted child.

Funnily enough, that is my exact reference I was making.

We’ve reached a point where LGBTQ acceptance is so widespread even Disney isn’t bothering to imply it anymore (James Woods, you’re weren’t fooling anyone with how you played Hades).

But still not at a point where it’s treated like straight PDA’s, because these controversies still pop up,

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“If you had taken the time, to just walk in and say hello, to get to know some of us, and share some time, you would have learned, friend, that all are welcome in here. All we ask is that you come in peace.”


There needed to be like five times as much man-on-man rumpy pumpy in 300 and that is 100% a hill I’ll die on. I’m not even gay but my god how was that not a thing in that movie?

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Tbh what annoys me isn’t pandering or whatever. It’s about how sometimes writers are so afraid of handling the topic that they make the characters boring and predictable.

Like, do people know we can be nasty, messy, and stupid as well? I wanna see layers. Not another variation of mary-sues.