LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I too am sick of the entire “look at me, I’m sandra dee” attitude.


Here let me help you out with your reading comprehension…

The statement “The purpose of this thread is for LGBTQ+ players of World of Warcraft…” is upon itself not inclusive of anyone other than LGBTQ+ players. So if you are not LGBTQ+ players you are not invited to participate.

Now it should have read “The purpose of this thread is for LGBTQ+ players and others of World of Warcraft…”

The really interesting part to this is, if someone were to make a thread “The purpose of this thread is for non-LGBTQ+ players of World of Warcraft…” there would be a big giant crap fest. It works both ways. If you want to be inclusive then include everyone regardless of race, age, orientation, etc.


So, again, can you point me to any examples of people in the thread actively excluding people, or are you simply grasping at straws so you can feign offense?


This term literally includes Allies, so what are you even talking about?

If this thread isn’t your cup of tea then unlist it.

Stop derailing this thread.


It’s ok… I totally understand you don’t quite get it…not everyone does.


Thats a no, then.

There fixed it for you


It does include folks who are LGBTQ+. If it included everyone, then you would not actually need to put into the statement LGBTQ+. This is not difficult to understand.


I’m going to assume by “fixed for you” - you mean that you also don’t understand, or do you think your reused “quick wit” somehow makes you clever?

My man is liking his own posts. He forgot to hide the armories for his alts, only for the character he’s posting on. Embarassing.


Certainly is witty considering your upset over a thread existing and the comment

Feel free to go back and read anything I’ve ever posted. If this is somehow your way to deflect that you don’t understand or have a grasp of what is being communicated, it won’t work.

You don’t seem to understand the existence of this thread is because of anti-LGBTQ+ threads, including trolls who claim to be part of the community who then attract a lot of unnecessary and hateful comments.

It’s also a way to consolidate requests, discussions, and feedback in one place to avoid hurting some people’s feelings.

In an ideal world, this thread wouldn’t need to exist, but unfortunately, not everyone got the memo to not be hateful and spiteful. So here we are.

It is impossible to determine emotions from any of the statements I’ve made but feel free to imagine anything you’d like.

Baby powder is for babies, I still use it on my boys in Summer.

Its my way of saying you’re embarrassing yourself. I would say stop while you’re ahead, but its too late for that. I’ll just have to say that when you’re already in a hole, you should stop digging.

And yes, I understand perfectly well that you’re crying that the thread didnt specifically say “cishets welcome too”, its not deep or hard to understand, its just dumb.

First off, Brady Bunch was before my time so thanks for posting the clip. Gives a lot of context to the conversation.

Yeah, holding hands and the kiss on the cheek at 1.15 definitely moves the bar a lot. Good on them.

This doesn’t necessarily apply to the Brady Bunch as it does as a media as a whole, but I disagree with this point a lot.

In media, straight couples are almost painfully explicit. The guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after and in the sequel it’s shown they’ve pumped out a couple of kids. And yes I’m gunna date myself by saying their best friend marries a dragon and also pumps out a couple of kids.

Similar representation of gay couples isn’t nearly so accepted to the point where very recently there’s drama over a woman kissing her wife in an animated film.

Gay couples are still controversial, scenes that would be non-issues if it were between a man and woman get people frothing at the mouth if a gay couple were to do it.

Which is why I say that acceptance still has a way to go.


I understand those anti-threads exists and they are disgusting…that I can agree with you.


No it isn’t you are triggered over a thread existing. Maybe you can talk to your alts to your likewise opinion or feel free to mute thread and move on like a normal person.

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Yes, and in a way, having everything in one place means that those who don’t like it can mute it and not be bothered on the GD. This is why I think this megathread works.

Unfortunately the troll problem isn’t easily solved cause of Blizzard’s fail moderation and it’s why a lot of us are frustrated because it’s been creating a lot of negativity.

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