LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Well money is more important than anything for any company… they never did or will care. It’s why I always bring up pandering…

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youd think with all there talk theyd back it up atleast a little superficially

There’s no ethical consumption under etc etc

It’s not a conspiracy post on your main your so terrible at trolling. In fact other trolls laugh at your pathetic attention seeking attempts. Go seek attention somewhere else you constantly bring negativity into the megathread and no one wants to converse with you precisely due to your stupid trolling. If you actually were committed you would post on your main but you don’t we all know you are a pathetic troll that doesn’t even play the game you look things up on WoWhead. I don’t think it just so happens a so called “new player” that doesn’t participate in the game happens to post and type exactly like Talonel.


I don’t believe any company’s pandering. It all comes down to what’s going to make them most money, at the end of the day.

Which is where the real upside of rainbow capitalism is.

If society weren’t changing for the better for LGBTQ+ folks, then rainbow capitalism wouldn’t be a thing. By chasing the gay dollar, it proves that the anti-gay dollar isn’t nearly as powerful.

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It’s just profitable… it’s why in the middle east and other countries you don’t see it… because it’s not profitable there. It’s about profit, nothing else matters.

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For instance his trolling attempts are garbage as well. He’s asking for the community to spend more money on exclusive merchandise when in reality I just want not to spend money to be recognized that I’m a human being like everyone else. Great Job there Talonel really well done in trying to make blizzard make money off of pandering well done instead of pushing for sincerity. But we all know you can’t even put in an effort to defend yourself either same way you lazily create threads and ditch them.


I never thought (at least, in very liberal countries) that there were a ton of anti-gay people/dollars. However, there’s plenty of pandering. I’ll say this even with “straight” couples, in stories. There’s a lot of “straight” couples in stories that just don’t make any sense and wonder what writers were thinking by putting them, together.

Does anyone else find it odd after Talonel posted a user against the community thinking we are “special” immediately posted afterwards to justify “Talonel” spam thread


Writers need to take notes on Kung Jin from MKX. Honestly I see more complaints about pelagos being boring then him being trans which I think that’s good they aren’t bashing pelagos simply for being trans however I do agree his personality is a bit boring. However never the less I appreciate what they were trying to do.

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But it wouldn’t used to have been profitable as the anti-gay dollar would have been far stronger, like it currently is in countries like China or Russia.

Rainbow capitalism is a reflection of a good thing (namely the further acceptance of LGBTQ folks), not inherently a good thing in itself.

There are “decriminalization of gay sex” laws that aren’t yet old enough to drink in their respective states and legalisation of gay marriage is less than a decade old in the US.

LGBTQ acceptance still has a long way to go, there’s still backlash whenever those characters exist, but ultimately these days, those voices are less and less meaningful than they used to be.

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Marriage laws are their own issues. What I don’t like about marriage laws is how it affects those who don’t believe in marriages, either. IK I didn’t, at the time. For the most part, the only reason I got married were for the benefits it brings, even though I feel like I should’ve had them, already.

Like, I can’t change my last name to my husband’s, at the DMV without proof of our marriage certificate.

I was mainly talking about in entertainment via movies, shows, books, games, etc. One gay couple, that always stood out, to me, was in the Brady Bunch movie. Yes, IK they’re minor characters, but I always find the minor characters to be more entertaining, than the main characters, anyway, but I digress. Unfortunately, imdb labels them as “angry neighbor” which there were a lot of them, in the movie, but I digress. They had very few lines, but I always gravitated towards their energy. They were interracial, too. And, I can tell how much they love each other through just their body language, that the actors portrayed them to be.

And that movie was before the legislation laws in making gay marriage legal. In entertainment, however they have been seen.

well… how can that explain the russian bethesda account? is that them simultaneously chasing anti and pro gay dollars?

It’s a pretty solid landmark though, and the US wasn’t exactly lagging behind the times when they legalised it in 2015.

They definitely existed. But using your example above, was that couple explicitly gay or was it implied with a wink and a nudge.

Lots of gay characters weren’t gay, they were just implied because risk averse companies didn’t want the drama of making them actually gay. (Hi Hades from Hercules!)

Well that’s the critique of rainbow capitalism, no?

It’s purely performative. Rainbow flags in the US and censored comics and stories in Russia.

No one who isnt Talonel would ever say this.

“I didnt leave the left, the left left me.” - People who were never in their life left.


See, this is my issue, when we talk about these things because some (not all) people want explicitly stated gay couples as “gay”. Not even “straight” couples explicitly state that they’re straight. There’s another “angry neighbor” couple that you can tell were a couple, even though they didn’t explicitly state that they were a couple. They were holding hands. The gay couple behind them were practically cuddling, almost. I don’t need neither couple to tell me that they’re couple, when it’s implied through their body language. Though, the “straight” couple was “implied” because Mr. Brady referred to her as “Mrs.”, but that’s a title to a married woman. It didn’t state who she was married to. But, we can argue about that, at a later time.

I figured I would record it and show you, and you can be your own judge. Also, RIP James Avery :heart: He was one of the “angry neighbors”, and he’s only seen around this part of the film and considered a “minor character”.


ah i see what you meant. yea your right its dirty

This is spot on. Seems silly tbh


Can you point out where in this thread anyone has told a cis or straight person to leave because they arent LGBTQ+?

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