LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Deserve? No. None of us are entitled to anything.

Should there be gay and trans characters? Sure, but it’s up to the writer.


Your answer is weird, you say sure but not really.

It’s actually pretty simple… I’m okay with it, because it’s not that deep… but if the writer doesn’t put gay or trans people in game or story, that’s 100% okay as well. No one is entitled to representation.

“He said ‘Sure, and it’s up to the Writers’. He is right. We can ask, and beg, and dream, but it’s up to THEM to actually WRITE it.”

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Does anyone else ever imply otherwise? obviously the writer will be the one who wrote it.

“Then why did you find his answer weird?”

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It’s not.

(looks at the thread) I don’t see that.

Because your “basic questions” are filled with a lot of assumptions and throwing unnecessary punches based off of your own bias.

There’s no “double standard”. The straight thread got shut down because people couldn’t behave themselves. Even threads talking about WoW and not about LGBTQ+ nor Straight get closed down whenever they get nasty. Literally said this 5 posts ago, if you bother to read.

Threads will get shut down if multiple people are being too nasty and/or toxic. Happens to ALL threads.

How about we use the Mute button, so we can filter out threads (WoW related or not) you don’t want to see.

The irony, you only say this in THIS thread, when there’s another “general lounge” thread that talks about WoW and not, at times. Same with this thread. But, you only poke this thread because heaven forbid it contains the letters “LGBTQ+” :roll_eyes:

Did you report the other lounge thread, too? You know, for consistency? Or, you just being a hypocrite and only reporting this one 'cause you don’t like seeing “LGBTQ+” in the title? :roll_eyes:

Neither is the other lounge thread. But, you don’t care about that.



It’s weird because it doesn’t lead to anything.

There are no scenario where the playerbase/reader could take the writer’s pen and write it for themselves. It has always been the reader wish for representation and the writer is always the one that would write it.

It’s weird in the sense that its an obvious statement.

“Ah yes. Logic can be weird. My Husband tells me that all the time.”

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Well, you felt entitled to “representation” and you shouldn’t be… because no one is entitled to it. No one should have to add a gay/trans person to their story if they don’t want.

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My brother in christ, you are literally offended by this thread. :camera_flash:


You’re making a lot of assumptions and a lot of salty vitriol for something who doesn’t care so hard you wasting so much rage to down talk strangers just vibing here.

Sorry you seem to have personal life issues that cause you to lash out in such a manner. Maybe practice socializing and basic decency.

You’re generalization of all LGBTQ due to the loud obnoxious minority then make an asinine assumption we don’t work…
Honey I work at Adidas warehouse 12h shifts lifting cases 20-60 pounds on a cherry picker with a bad back in no climate controlled conditions and it’s not even the hottest time of the year all while I just had a hemorrhoidectomy and will need to work with a bloody ars.

So I will curb my retort that would risk a suspension and just say so long, farewell get a life goodbye.


I already made that joke. And got less likes!

It’s all just a popularity contest with you people!


yea sorry for stealing it. I only saw it after I posted.


“So long and thanks for all the fish?”



You have made an enemy for life here today.




Haha omg ok that image made me laugh way too loud xD hah it’s so stupid :joy:
I love it :two_hearts:


im gana get flamed but i gotta rant.
Companies doing these half baked " rainbow pride " but only in select countries.
for example bethesda russia vs bethesda US.

Thats just one out of hundreds doing this but it shows how hollow there support is.