LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“I so love that line. You rock.”

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That’s a good question, why do you care?

It’s a community that crosses faction and server borders so they want a place to chat. Why do you care about that? How does that harm you?


“We gather here, because we enjoy each other’s company. We are friends. We made this thread so we could gather in peace. Remember Peace? It’s what you get when people, who enjoy each other’s company, gather in one spot to converse.”

“You are welcome to join in the conversation. We do not exclude. All we ask is enjoy your stay in peace.”


So why bring it up?

Well first of all I’m going to be honest I don’t think Blizzard ran that by anyone here.

Secondly I counted once. The longest one of those threads went without someone talking about how the gays and the transes were an abomination was 8 posts.

Make a straight thread where a significant portion of the posts aren’t dedicated to hate and maybe it’ll last longer.

I am simply answering the question posed.


That’s between you and Blizzard. Take it up with them.

I find Alliance players incredibly obnoxious, but I can’t expect Blizzard to take disciplinary actions based on my personal tastes.

Take. It. Up. With. Blizzard.

Again we’re back to, “why do you care?”


“We DO talk about WoW a LOT in this thread. We talk about ideas, troubles playing parts of the game, and a lot more. The reason we talk about it in HERE, is because occasionally we comment on our lives, and how they are going, just like ANY other group of friends.”

“The problem we find, when being ourselves in others threads, is we get picked on, if we even so much as MENTION any thing from our personal life.”

“So we stay in here. To keep the Peace.”

I shall await your future complaints on threads like “What type of donut is YOUR fav?” and others. Unless you’re only opposed to certain things that aren’t WoW related that is.

Edit: Yo, theres a Diablo thread popping off on the front page :smiley: keen to see you at work


Well they want to feel like they’re part of the world too… “people like us” is a common thing among the LGBT community. Nothing wrong with it either, as long as it doesn’t feel forced… I know SL was hot garbage, but how you found out Pelagos was a woman is his actual life but never felt that way… it was in a chat option with him and his character was never focused on the sexuality or being trans.

My sexuality is aromantic and asexual.

I am transgender. Any time I get into voice chat for a raid outside of my LGBT+ social circles I have very uncomfortable interactions wherein people misgender me and I’m forced between outing myself and risking harassment, or being treated awful due to my voice.

It matters.


I don’t work for Blizzard.

Okay if you feel that way then take it up with Blizzard.

That right there is the problem, the whole “special” comment… why can’t they just be themselves openly, forum or not. They just wanna feel like they’re normal and just as much a part of all of this and society.

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“Very well put.”

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You should do that too, in that Diablo thread, still waiting for you to say “Reported, off topic”, or similar


They said, in a thread they want shut down because they don’t like it.


“Do you know the sexuality of EVERY POSTER in this thread? Do you see us all introducing ourselves by our sexuality? The conversation in here doesn’t center on that. It does come up, occasionally, but it is not the be all, and the end all, of this thread.”


I feel like you go into these type of topics with sunglasses and a closed mind.

I think the way we’ll get to the bottom of this ignorance is by asking, why does this issue bother you? Why is it a big deal that the LGBT community wants to see some characters with variety?

Btw, I’m straight and not a part of the far left just in case you wanna go down that route.


So I’ve been trying out holy pally for the first time since like Legion and I can’t quite work out whether it basically plays as a DPS class or if I’m just playing it that way. Are you supposed to use shock on enemies or is that sub-optimal?


I doubt the average person who happens to be apart of the LGBT believes that, but the loudest voices do tend to be the ones heard.

Then why does it matter if characters are gay or trans?

Again, I think you mix up the loudest voices with the average person… the loud vocal minority doesn’t speak for the majority.

and right there is how you’ve lost all credibility… you couldn’t refuse an open attack, I work 3rd shift.

I doubt those parades happened with you partaking.

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Uhh yes we do?