LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“I have the opposite problem.”

“I broke my right shoulder a while back, and had to tell them OVER AND OVER again, NO OPIOIDS!!! First time was when they sent me home. I threw up all night. I called them, and asked for something else… they gave me the same dam thing. I threw up that entire day. Couldn’t hold ANY thing down. I finally spoke directly to my Doctor the next day. SHE gave me souped up aspirin, AND wrote on my chart ‘Allergic To Opioids’, when she realized I didn’t just not want them, they made me extremely sick. FINALLY.”

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Doctors who don’t listen ah another side of the coin in malpractice goodness… sounds horrible and sorry you experienced that Cyndilou. I get a reaction from oxycontin makes my arms red and itchy but otherwise I haven’t had that kind of reaction.

Would that information be in your records? If so then it is even worse that they didn’t listen to you before hand as you would have had past history of Opiods don’t work for you. They could have had that sorce to know about it ahead of time.

“My charts say I am not allowed ANY of that kind of thing, because I am an ex drug addict, and well as a recovered alcoholic. I have an ‘addictive personality’. This Doctor was just new, and it was the pharmacy that failed to tell her the complaint. I had to contact her my self. Once I did, she immediately fixed the problem, in a way it will never happen again. She just mistook it for a preference.”

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Some people are intolerant.

My mother had that issue. I was afraid but it turns out it’s fine for me.

I remember once my mother took me to an emergency room because she didn’t like the meds I was on. They told me she was bonkers and told her it was fine.

She was against this med because when she was on it she was hospitalized. She didn’t tell her doctor she was in the devil’s lettuce, which has interactions with the medicine and wound up going manic from too much dopamine in her system.

I just facepalmed so hard.


“They didn’t dare wait, when mine had already broke. I guess I should feel lucky.”

“So am I. Trying to sleep on that was insane, especially after I had to get my vaxx in my OTHER arm, and I am not allowed to sleep on my back for long, due to an age old compression fracture in my upper spine.”

“Yes, I am one of the Broken, for MANY different reasons.”


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Was it indica, ruderalis or sativa? Because sativa is an upper and will absolutely make someone a bit manic if combined with another upper.


I wasn’t given anything for pain when my gallbladder was about to rupture. I arrived at the emergency room at noon. I was given an IV at 10pm. I was admitted at midnight.

It was ridiculous. It took hours to see me. I was laying on the linoleum floor of the hospital urgent care (they didn’t think it was an emergency until they did an ultrasound after making me wait for six hours). Then the ultrasound lady said she’d tell them I was done and send someone to pick me up and was working on others. They missed the memo and I laid there for several hours waiting before an orderly finally was like, “Oh. There you are.” It was a circus.

“By the time I got to the hospital, when mine broke, they said I had an hour to live, it was that bad. I was lucky I even got there in time.”

It isn’t as bad but it reminds me of what happend to my dad with our nerboring hosbital Borgous (I think I messed up the spelling.) It was when he was diganoused with something I won’t share but it’s a life long illness (it isn’t my place to share something like that without his concent.)

But they didn’t give him hardly any pain medication and the treatment caused him even more pain than he was already in. And they spent almost an entire week trying to even figure out what was wrong with him so he spent all that time while they torurued him at the hospital.

I think he was taken there by a freind of the family as we tend to go to Bronson.

My roommate had an angioplasty done in his legs without anesthesia a couple weeks ago.

They didn’t have an anesthesiologist available to be there the entire time. They needed to get it done asap before things get worse. But he has illnesses where they didn’t feel safe doing a treat and go. So he went without.

It was painful. But he’s also metal af for going through with it.


I can relate to not wanting to do medical procedures without anestieta. My anxiety from biplar gets in the way and even something like a tooth filling I need Ativian and music to get through it or I will have a panic attack and try and get out of it as I am afraid of the constant pain over and over again.

Having to be awake for such things is not fun and anxiety inducing and I would rather be asleep. Even with enough drugs in me so I don’t feel anything terrfies me. I scared that it won’t work.


Well I had to address that because it gets tiresome to remind others. That’s why the flag feature gets abused because they don’t know the difference between disagreement and trolling.

:roll_eyes: here we go again with the crazy conspiracy theories… talonel is a great individual and I think the forums is blessed to have such a poster because I agree with most of their feedback. Is there something wrong with that?

Flag feature has yet to be abused in the constant spam threads you make, the sooner you embrace the fact that you’re a troll and start acting like someone with some sense; that doesn’t spam the same non-sense OVER and OVER. While your little troll threads provide amusement… you bring nothing to the forum in terms of constructive criticism or opinion.

You’re nothing but a dark mark on the LGBT community in WOW, Talonel/Tullnn, whatever you wanna call yourself today.


If a thread is closed a mod has decided to close it. Despite what people seem to believe, threads do not get deleted unless a mod reviews it and decides to. Threads can become locked if too many posts get flagged in a short period of time, but that just means you can’t post until it gets unlocked.

When I think about it, and how they don’t represent us and should not speak for us my brain goes:


Why not?

Because we’re here, we’re queer, we kill bosses and loot gear.


Yes, unfortunately many trolls like to flag my threads but they always get restored shortly after. It’s just strange how some act on a video game forum… I’m thankful I can post my feedback freely :+1: :blush:

And we don’t want anymore bears.