LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

We do not, just a private discord as we are just a group of friends. It’s just a five person team, and we are all in different guilds. Feel free to friend me on discord at Grumps#3985

What do you mean, you people?

I think they mean all y’all.

See the correct response was

“What do YOU mean, you people?”

I’ve watched Tropic Thunder too many times


Anyone from the east / south knows not to say that.

You don’t say that!

Not yall the other bit


You know what i find funny, i didn’t even say your name just “troller on an alt” and that literally could have been anyone.


They’re known to self identify as a troll regularly

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It’s like, so much has been thrown around lately at this point It’s ridiculous and confusing.

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This is some karen energy right here. Also implying that we’ve not been trying to do our part. Do we hold ‘you people’ responsible for every other troll thread?

Here’s how to actually be genuine and productive about this instead of whining. Take the matter to Blizzard. If more people add their voices perhaps they’ll finally do something.


Mate your just salty you can’t attack our community anymore after your threads got buried talonel


It was something folks used to use when I was in Austin.

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So I was having my youtube playlist go and this song popped up and I was like hell yeah this bands got an amazing duo singing… then I realized and it blew my mind O.M.G wait for it! You will be amazed too if you never head of this band!

also i like never go full lol

if you read the initial OP for this thread you would know this thread was literally made to try and circumvent the trolling. It’s been happening for more than a YEAR at this point now. Mods clearly have no interest in stopping them so just post music video’s or something.


So glad you’re doing better! I was equally worried.

Oh maybe that’s just… huh… interesting. Anyway!

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No one is “pushing” anything on anyone. When was the last time a gay person came up to you and said “YOU HAVE TO BE GAY YOU CANT BE STRAIGHT ANYMORE”?

Existing is not “pushing” it onto you. Being proud about who we are is not “pushing” it onto you - or do you believe straight people “push” their straightness onto gay people when they go on a date in public too?

There was one. And it lasted a few days. Until the main posters in it, including the OP, decided to start drama in it, got political and hateful, and got it closed. Because unlike this lounge, the drama started with the main posters in that thread.

No, you are stating a very incorrect opinion.

Are you telling this to every straight couple who posts about their child, or their girlfriend/boyfriend as well? If you aren’t, here’s a fun fact, that’s actually a fact: That’s a homophobic opinion to have.

I can say, with 1,000,000% certainty, that no, no you don’t.

You might have some gay friends who don’t feel like they’re part of the “gay scene” - I don’t either. That doesn’t mean they agree with your, to be frank, homophobic viewpoint.


“Silly Dance Time!”

/happy silly dance



You forgot this banger. (They did it better than Michael Jackson, don’t @ Me)