LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

In a different thread Senpu stated something that answers one of my questions. There they said that alts are used to avoid ignores placed on them. This is a good argument against alts and a good reason to push for battle tags for forum posting.

I’ll answer your question when you post on a level capped retail character.

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Just a thought

The Brokers, The Enlightened and the Ethereals (which I think are Brokers that came to Azerothian Universe), do they classify as Non-Binary? All this talk of non-binary character creation, I think they would be good candidates. Plus the phase run of the ethereals look really cool.


Can you people reign in your trolls creating 2644738943 threads every second?

The trolls are not affiliated with the lounge, in fact some of the trolls renounced this lounge.

Trust me, we’ve been trying. No one hates those threads more than we do.

We don’t claim them.

I’d love it if blizzard could do third models for all the races that are neutral. Like, take a lady avatar, take off the bust, reduce the curves, make the face somewhere between masculine and feminine in structure. Mostly can be done with the avatar and some tweaking of edge loops though they might have to paint new face UVs.

I also like the idea of making all hair a race has available for all of the avatar choices. Let ladies have guy hair. Let guys have lady hair. Cue dude look like a lady.


Let me just get on my rainbow-sparkle mind control device (similar to, though not exactly like the Space Lasers) and (assuming the trolls are actually LGBT+) shoot my mind control beam along the World Gay Web to control these posters.


Literally been reporting the trolls as they pop up.

 that kind of wording in 2022 is cringe.


I am staying out of it. It was all making me overly depressed.

I would rather be happy.


If you want a distraction (and cos I’m a proud Aussie, I have to plug this): The Aussie entry into Eurovision this year (Australia is obviously in Europe, don’t judge us) is on the LGBT and Autism spectrum. Pretty cool to see how happy performing makes them.

(There’s a reason behind the mask stuff)

I am weird and I like Instrumental music. It helps me drift off with my writting.

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That’s not weird, it’s classy and beautiful :rofl:

“And give it a little squeeze as you put the cap on. Gives the water room to expand too.”

Oh hearing you say this, you may enjoy this! It’s completely instrumental and animusic has varying genres too! The second one is my personal favorite.


Ya I have seen those on PBS. They are really cool.

One of my frat brothers introduced my household to a gay country musician who does this veiled cowboy thing. It’s very good.

He’s from South Africa and lives in Canada and he’s never shown his face.

i’m not going to reign in people creating two-and-a-half billion threads a second. nobody is. they’re obviously way too powerful for this world


If you don’t agree with someone, that does not make it trolling. Trolling is a word thrown around a lot but most don’t know what it actually means. Disagreeing isn’t trolling :man_shrugging:

Hi All! I run a LGBTQ+ M+ team, and we have had trouble recruiting new queer folks to join the team so I thought I’d give a shot reaching out here. We are looking for a DPS at the moment pushing keys in the 3k+ io range. Would love another friend from the community to join the team!

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My guild is an LGBT+ majority for all people group. A few of our members might be interested in such a thing. Do you have an in game community?

As an aside, not directed at you:
Definition: A troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception.

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