LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Yeah cause then the toons don’t match.

I agree.

I think it did. I never knew about this lounge before everything. I’m not LGBTQ but i don’t like seeing people get hurt when all they want to do is be happy. Those troll threads were harming you all. I posted in the thread to share info i found and communicate with you all. I’ve made some new friends too, and yall are super chill.


I understand that you think this has some sort of value, but it really doesn’t. People can think what ever they like, even if and especially if you disagree with them.

This is a stretch, at best.

It is.

I must admit that I never really opened this thread much until this week to work towards TL3 status since it has a very large post count and if I’m going to stay logged in to keep my ignore list active then why not. The first posts looked like it would just be 7000 posts of typical GD trolling which is why I never really bothered, but working down the list it became clear what this thread was really about. You’re completely right.

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Same I knew about the thread but only popped in like once, figuring it would be like the rest of the internet. Instead actually reading it this month because of all the threads showed me that at least GD has one space that I can read and enjoy.

After reviewing my post I am going delete it. I am wrong the irony


It makes me happy when I see things like this because it’s what I’d think a lot of people from the community want. The straight friends that I come out to don’t fully understand things, but that’s fine cause neither do I. We all have our own stuff to deal with but I love that we can still hang out, banter, and do stuff without it being weird.


Exactly. We all go through stuff and we are all on this planet for a reason, we just don’t know it yet and life is too short to be bickering.

We all get along and be happy. Dad said it best, “Anyone that’s willing to sit down and have a drink with ya (doesn’t have to be alcohol), chat with ya, and relax is an ok person.” Well, something along those lines anyway. I may be a hillbilly from the boonies of WV (I’m in KY now) but folks where I grew up, for the most part, had that mind set. Well, the good folks at least.

I just wish others had that mind set.


I was always one of those socially awkward folks. But a good honest person. No political power or anything. Just really boring and basic. I am not really into partying or anything.

But, like if some friends called me up to go bowling, or like dave n busters or some junkmail, i would be all in.

Outside of working and all that, i play video games and stuff. World of warcraft is really the only big one. But i love nintendo and all that. Mario kart. Zelda. Smash bros. Those are the game. Fzero. Like nintendo is just cool. Been obsessed since forever.

I also have bad social anxiety, and noise in general is rough. But i am also insecure in a way. I generally joke around alot. Nothing really offends me. Problem is i cannot always tell when someone is joking or not. And alot of folks these days just are not good people. You will be doing, having a good time, and they tell on you. Like i will hang out. But don’t have a log in between your buns. Those people make everyone miserable. Seems to be alot of those folks in power these days to.

Other than that, i try to be pretty open. Although most folks i dont really have anything in common with. Nothing in life makes any sense to me. Been trying to figure it out since day one.

But like if you want to talk about elden ring, even though i dont know crud about that game, and no real interest. You can. Different games for different people. Everyone is different. I tend to talk about the same stuff over and over again. The stuff that makes sense so far.

But yah, just be nice. That is all that matters. And it is unfortunate there are so many evil people in the world. The world is insane.


“I refer to that as ‘Broken’, but not as an insult. I am one of the Broken too. I hope you find as many fun bright spots as you can. Every smile helps.”

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Blizzard cracking down on the troll threads is the best Pride Month gift.


Just wishing everyone the best for the rest of the month. I know it was rough first half of the on the forums. But with any luck things will be better for the second half of the month.

So, with fingers crossed and with best of wishes Happy Pride month!


I guess love does win after all. :laughing:


Pride monnnnth!


Maybe that idiot who started creating them will finally get perma banned. Also happy pride month now back to me leveling my undead


Moderators, plz. lllll

This isn’t a troll thread. This is mega thread


During a really low point of my life, I read this book called Kintsugi and it’s a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver. The lesson is that instead of trying to push away or deny the pain, loss, anger, and grief, you accept those parts of yourself and piece it back together as something even more beautiful than you were before.

Like Illidan said, I am my scars.


Sadly they may have changed tactics, several of the non 404’d threads have been necro’d by low level low post count characters.

I thought this was a nice song. I posted it on another thread, that derailed into talking about Pirates but it was 404ed.

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