LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Just a reminder everyone…

"The Running of the Trolls"

It’s June 18th at 9pm EST 6pm PST , be there between 8-9 pm Est or 5-6 pm PST.

It’s on Feathermoon. Make a 1st level troll, give it fun rainbow hair, do the run. It starts in the Troll Starting zone. Guilds will be waiting for invites.


That should roughly be 10-11am on 19th June for those in Aus. I’ll probably join if I’m not asleep :stuck_out_tongue:

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whats wrong with posting on an alt? how old does a thread need to be to be considered a necro. was something in these posts you dont agree with?

And how is everyone’s day lookin today? (or night… Or evening depending.)

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extremely hot with no ac. hope my computer doesnt melt

2 frozen water bottles tied in a pillowcase around your neck is a fantastic way to stay cool in the heat. Like you drape it around your neck. You know what I mean?

I hope that helps! I know it isn’t the most conventional thing but it’s better than nothing. Just make sure to have on a shirt cause otherwise it gets too cold.

It should be ok. =) worry about you staying cool!


OMG never thought of that i will have to try it. i do have some frozen food i can try with now. Pizza on my back!


There you go! Just be mindful of food cause it spoils but water bottles work fantastic because after they thaw you just refreeze em.


just temp until i can find and freeze some bottles. :stuck_out_tongue:

Genuinely helpful little fuzzbutt. 10/10 would recommend.

Yo, that’s cute AF

Edit: score, it’s on Spotify :sunglasses:

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We can only hope

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We are moving stuff around today and we got this playing atm.

It’s on “just beat it” rn.



Send me a list on discord of the remaining threads and I’ll include them in my email. Are you in the discord?

Along with a request that threads be automatically locked after 30 days and raising minimum post history to level 50, or maybe 51 and such.

Hello low post low level classic troll alt.

To answer your question, people don’t agree with the posts because they were made explicitly to whip anti-LGBT+ trolls into a frenzy and foster hate and resentment towards LGBT+ players from all other players bas well as encourage harassment of us in places like this.

The threads are often also redundant and a post could have been posted here instead, but they didn’t because the posters of the threads aren’t genuine, they are malicious.

I’m literally transgender and I’m tired of the troll threads because the warning I’ve been giving about the consequences of the hate stoked by those threads have started coming true and I’m concerned for peoples’ mental health.


No I am not, I am not a direct member of the community I just lurk here mostly because of the atmosphere. Honestly I should have just directed a reply to you elsewhere instead of bringing it here and was going to delete and do so until the gotcha question was asked and didn’t want to give a wrong impression by deleting a post.

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I have got to learn to stop reading the forums when I’m trying to take a break…

Just stop. Seriously. I’m not trying to be rude, but blunt.

Furrfist reminded me of the in-game feedback form where we can still send our feedback to Blizzard. We don’t need to make more threads or bump old ones. Look what happened on Sunday.

Yes, it means nobody else can chime in or discuss our suggestions/feedback, which I loathe, but after Sunday it’s clear that there are a select few in this community who will take advantage of any tiny opportunity they can get to flip a table and start a rotten food fight.

I’ll say this another way: silencing ourselves is less controversial than not because of how a few in the community act. Think about that for a minute.

Posting certain threads on the forums at this point should be avoided no matter how sincere or rule-abiding we are. I wish it helped, I thought it helped, but it doesn’t, especially when someone manages to turn anything and everything into a total dumpster fire.

I didn’t honestly think anyone in this community actually maliciously did that (well, I had thoughts but nothing concrete) until a few days ago and their act was insanely disgraceful. They didn’t even try to hide it. The blinders came off at that point.

I’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt but it looks like you bumped up numerous of those threads this morning and are in here now, so it’s hard, but if you are in fact sincere…

I’m well aware that I’m not exactly a shining example of a forum user myself so my words mean little to almost everyone, but as someone who understands what they’re trying to tell you, I urge you to do the same.

Lay off the bumping/spamming/etc., no matter how sincere you are, because there’s clearly someone (or a few) in this community who make it a point to turn nice things into mean things and drag down a group with them in the process. It has to end. Login the game and use the in-game feedback form where the disgusting person(s) won’t be able to make 10 same-day threads across 10 characters that are clearly designed to cause hate.

logs back off

Please take your own advice. Login in the game and use the in-game feedback form. Stop harassing legitimate posters like me who is just expressing our thoughts. If you feel I have broken the toc, please go ahead and report me.

Lol 27 posts legitimate okay. Humanbeak you are fooling no one no matter how many paragraphs you write

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Is posting on an alt not legit? If yes blizzard should prevent it

You didn’t answer my question. How long does a post need to be inactive before replying in it is consider being a necro?

Whose alt are you then speak.

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