LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

A remnant umbrella paper trail that is currently outdated for modern sensibilities. Thanks for the succinct explanations all :blue_heart:

I’m Aussie so I’ll check local laws, if I need to, I will for sure.


I double checked and it appears it is for public record purposes.

Lot of court houses pull information from newspapers for public records.

Hey np and lot of court houses have public records online now, and pull from online newspapers. Some don’t and have to get a copy of the paper and manually enter it all in.

To add: I would give you a like but I ran out again lol


No stress at all :slight_smile: in fact, I care little for “likes” etc. I only use this to learn where I can, if you want to save your likes in the future (anyone) please know I don’t need likes, just explanations :slight_smile:

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Sounds good! =) Yeah I grew up in a small town and all that (still living in a small town
 just a diff one hehe) and lot of rural areas and small towns still manually do things.

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So I think this is a throwback to before social security numbers and credit scores were a thing and people could try to name change out of a debt or something.

It’s pretty useless now.

California has gender affirming name changes done without newspaper or being reported anywhere. It’s confidential.

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That makes so much more sense to me. Wonder if that will change soon. Theres still work for the LGBT+ to do, seems there always will be :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s also public record in case victims need to know their aggressors changed their name.

A lot of victims have their aggressor’s names set to flag and give notification anytime their name shows up somewhere.

Not entirely sure why it needs to be public for people who don’t have a violent criminal history though.


I am doing better now.


I’m glad you’re doing better Alice :slight_smile:


Excellent. That’s all that matters. We all have highs and lows, life is about getting through them. And if you ever feel like it’s too hard to get through the lows, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart:


Today’s been
 Miserable to say the least
 Had a hemorrhoidectomy and no sleep tried to go to work anyway but that was short lived due to all the lifting just aggravating the area. Just laying in bed pain meds not helping much but enough
just wondering when the bleeding stops :sweat_smile:

My sister’s been pretty supportive though my partner is all “like you should be fine to go to work tomorrow”
Thanks sweetie I didn’t know you were a doctor :joy:. God I’m so cranky right now xP

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Sounds like a pain in the butt.

Hope you recover quickly and feel better soon.


Oh gawd lol thank you Zandrae. I’ll do just that and also hopefully fast.
Thank you :two_hearts: hehe deff got me to lol


I had a fissurectomy years ago. I feel the pain. ;_;

I was lucky and it coincidentally occurred the day before a Super Squirt day in the Garrison and my doctor said I couldn’t walk for a few days, only sitting and laying down, so I sat here and leveled like 700 pets in one day. Lol.

Just keep swimming :slight_smile:


They really didn’t specify certain things other then not straining or sitting
 I stand all night at work but it also requires lifting boxes 20 to 50 pounds.

I went in and lasted maybe an hour before I noped outta there and just been trying to manage the pain and the piles of red gauze

I am terrified ATM my body is gonna be like “ok time to have a movement”. I refuse! D:

(Also I’m now going to have to view what a fissurectomy is but lord if it’s more invasive gods I cannot imagine something worse then current situation other then I need so ice cream and cuddles ;-; )

When you’re in game, try doing: ESC → Support → Submit feedback or bug report → Submit a suggestion.

I don’t know how effective any of these channels are, but the issue with the GD is that it has become such a contentious issue.

I felt that this thread was important back when people were making anti-LGBT threads. One of the reasons I unsubbed back then was because the amount of hate was disgusting.

But now people are saying that it shouldn’t exist because sexuality should not be discussed on the forums, and have since gone about spamming things in reverse while failing to understand why this thread was created to begin with.

This is why I’d prefer if we all can stick to using this megathread because it’s the only way we can at least protect this community without attracting that hatred. It’s not going to stop it completely, but at least we have more of a highground here to say that “we’ve done our part, so now you’ll do not have a right to attack the community.”

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But you have been spamming the forums with insincere LGBT+ topics, several of which have been deleted.

But you post multiple trolling threads.

I am unavailable to believe this claim.

I am unable to believe you or that you are sincere.

Are you sure that it’s not just that you saw the Ts on here whipping up anti-LGBT+ sentiment without consequence and decided to hop on that bandwagon? You even changed your avatar to female to add to the narrative. You ignored real LGBT+ people when we told you in every one of your threads that they were causing LGBT+ people trouble. Why? Because you don’t actually care about us, at all.

Too bad, be disgusted. I care about how disgusted you are as much you cared about the well-being of others when you failed repeatedly to read the room even after we spelled it out for you.

You already proved yourself guilty when you didn’t listen repeatedly to LGBT+ people about the harm your spam has caused.

YOU hurt ALL of us.

You made your bed, now you sleep in it.

Why do you think we have been telling you and your best friends the Ts to stop for months? Do you think it was for fun?

No, son. It’s because we’re very cognizant that your troll LGBT+ threads whip people into a homophobic and transphobic frenzy and drive them into our vibe space to post hate. Some of us are aware of the 40%-67% rate, and sometimes higher, of attempts of trans people to end their lives. We recognize that creating an even more inescapable hostile environment is not good for the mental health.

I’m one of the third who hasn’t tried to off themselves due to being in therapy longer than you have been alive. For everyone as resilient as I am there are two others who aren’t as much and the hatred that you and the T-trolls have been whipping up could very well be the straw that breaks the back of some trans person, even one who is quietly lurking that we’re unfamiliar with.

The fact that it took one of us being driven to the state where they borderline talk about thay before you realized that you should stop is very telling. If you actually cared you would have stopped a long time ago.

Your stopping now after we’re talking about finding a way to reach out directly screams that you just don’t want to be held accountable, either on the forums or maybe for someone else’s self-harm at the hate you intentionally and maliciously helped stoke.

I’d prefer you move on to your next troll topic. You’ve earned about as much of a welcome here as your best buddies the T-trolls.

At this point, I have you on ignore. Permanently, and it might be similar for others. This means I don’t want to see you, interact with you, and there is nothing you can do to improve your reputation with the Zan faction. You passed that point a long time ago when you ignored people repeatedly telling you that your trolling is causing harm. The only reason I’m responding is because someone else quoted your nonsense.

I’d say, at this point, you should not.

Your suggestions have always been in bad faith, poorly thought out, and honestly spammy. For example, of the threads you posted that haven’t been deleted, you made not one but two on t-shirts.

One asking about shirts would have been better suited being sent directly at Blizzard in a tweet.

The second one announcing shirts was redundant and really don’t warrant a thread—Blizzard can promote their own stuff. You could have posted it here in this thread where people who might care are lurking.

But you didn’t because your goal is not to get people worked up and to get attention.

Well now you have my attention.

I’m pretty sure you have posted about representation too but I could be wrong, you and your good buddies the T-trolls have been spamming for quite a while. While representation is great, simply posting that you want more representation only serves to aggrivate people who don’t understand the importance, especially when everyone including a good chunk of the LGBT+ people are completely exasperated with y’all’s nonsense spam.

A better thread would be to critique what LGBT+ characters already exist, what was done well, what wasn’t, and suggestions on how to improve in the future. That’s actually useful and constructive. However, given the hostile environment that you and the T-trolls have wrought upon LGBT+ folks with your incessant spam, the forums not a good time or place for that feedback.

I’m going to wrap this post up and go back to sleep now. Basically, you reap what you sow and you have sown bad seeds and caused a lot of strife and pain for LGBT+ people here. Don’t expect to be taken at face value, don’t expect anyone to accept your claims of sincerity, don’t expect to be forgiven, forgotten, welcomed, or even given the time of day by the rest of us after your nonsense.

The only thing you can do now is apologize and change your behavior.

Basically, you wandered into the hidden dwarves territory of Dun’Goofed, and built yourself a mansion even though we told you not to. Now you’re getting Dun’Told.


Well, not for no reason.

Not LGBT+ topics, just troll topics in general.

But, they obviously do. And, this is pointed out in every single one of those threads you make, yet you keep making them.

Not someone else, just you
 literally you.

Why temporarily? You fully acknowledge that they’re terrible for the community, yet you’ll temporarily stop trolling?

She has five accounts.

This is a very common point that people like to make about outgroup posts. It’s incredibly unrealistic to assume that every post you don’t like is made by a troll, and not simply by someone who is either incredibly demanding, or just a jerk.

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I know of atleast 3, dang but 5?

I have 5 on the same bnet and all my pets are the same.

Means 5 separate bnets
 that’s crazy.


I’ve only seen her say she has 5 wow accounts for transmogs or to make gold while getting boosted (ugh). I would assume those are all under the same bnet. It wouldn’t make sense to use more than one bnet if transmog was the goal. I couldn’t find any supporting evidence of her having 5 bnet accounts. Not to say nobody is doing that, especially after Sunday.

Zandrae is right to be angry. The trolling by her got out of hand for any subject. For me, it was the constant “I’m richer than you” posts and threads where she’d come into my threads and have a blast at my expense. It’s very angering. But, I read her post here as a “I screwed up and know it” and I like to give second chances if someone admits as much. Hopefully that goes beyond the LGBTQ+ thread spamming.

I think Sunday unified people and opened eyes. If the goal was to unify the community against a very bad thing, that troll succeeded. It was awful. I even logged in just to start ignoring people. I guess we’ll see. I have no expectations that anything will change. Expect the worst hope for the best and time will tell I guess.