LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Always appreciate you doing that. I was listening to 60’s on 6 on satellite radio over the weekend and Pleasant Valley Sunday came on. :smiley: Carol King and her then husband, Gerry Goffin, wrote the lyrics for that song. If you like musicals and going to the theater, I highly recommend seeing Beautiful. It’s about Carol King and all the music she wrote. I knew she was a prolific writer, but not to the extent in the show. I hope it comes back to my theater because I’d love to see it again.


I honestly feel like this is the real issue. Alot of people out there, are purely sharing and promoting the LGBT+ bandwagon and the feminism one, simply out of spite. To get attention onto themselves. The actual message behind what these groups stand for in the first place gets lost. And then it just becomes about narcissism. And alot of people are using topics like this to further their own selfish goals as well.

Regardless of what side of the coin you land on, some people are just straight up evil people. You can be straight and be evil. You can be gay and be evil. You can be lesbian and be evil. I feel like anyone who has decent human qualities should be valued as a human being. Regardless of what you identify as.

I also feel like there are a bunch of militant LGBTQ+ members that also give the LGBTQ+ community a bad name also, and the same thing with the femenists. With the straight folks, for example, they have been normalized for a long time, and have been accepted. The LGBTQ+ community has not been accepted, unfortunately. I am not going to dispute that. But at the same time, i want all these things to be supported and promoted by normal people. Not everyone trying to promote the LGBTQ+ community is a good person unfortunately.

I think alot of people come off as to radicalistic and to insane for my taste. To extremist. I just refuse to give in to insanity. I feel this is what is happening within these groups and communities. There are just alot of bad people claiming to want all this stuff, but are using it to weaponize it against people as well. Which isn’t good for anyone sane fighting for equal rights.

Alot of people in the LGBTQ+ community are abusers as well. I think this is what people forget. Alot of people tend to paint all LGBTQ+ members as being exactly the same. They are all different. They all have different traits. Different likes and dislikes. And as i mentioned earlier, some are just evil. Just like some straight people are evil. Guarantee somewhere in the world, a lesbian is being absolutely abusive to her female aquaintance.

What i would like to see is just these types of human beings, the ones who are not abusive and insane of course, and i would like for these types of people to be normalized. Just like straight people are, and have been for 100’s of years. This is the issue if you ask me. I also feel like we need to be handing leadership to normal non crazy people as well. That would be the perfect world.


Going to pop in here real briefly:

I intended on taking a week break from posting on the forums and still am doing so (except for this post). I still read the forums and yesterday was an absolutely dumpster fire and I saw my name getting dragged through the mud for no reason. So I want to make things clear:

-I am not the lunatic from yesterday with 10 alts spamming the forums with insincere LGBTQ+ topics.

-I have more than one WoW account, but I do not have more than one bnet account. Period. I do not post multiple trolling threads from multiple characters or accounts.

-My LGBTQ+ topics are not meant to harm the community at all. They are my ideas that I would like to see happen. Genuinely.

I do get disgusted when those within the community try to shout me down because a) They don’t agree with it, or b) someone else is using the subject as a means of trolling and therefore everyone else is somehow automatically trolling. Guilty before proven innocent really shouldn’t be a thing. It hurts ALL of us.

Now, out of respect for some who made some very sincere posts about how they feel such threads are harming their mental health or community, and after seeing multiple viewpoints, I stopped making such threads temporarily. After seeing the reactions to yesterday’s total dumpster fire, I will continue to respect that indefinitely. I may or may not necessarily believe them, but there’s a human on the other side of the keyboard and I’m not taking that risk, even though I’d prefer not to confine myself to a specific megathread.

Now, I do also want to know - where are we supposed to submit our feedback for in-game LGBTQ+ ideas/topics? Is Blizzard actually monitoring this specific thread for feedback? I don’t believe they are, but if they are, then please let me know so I have somewhere to provide feedback.


Why do you feel the need to defend yourself if you aren’t the alts then. People who are guilty unless everyone is against them usually feels a need to justify their actions.


Hey look. A low level troll toon spewing nonsense.

In other news I found a way to pull up every thread created by a user even if their profile is hidden.

So all of the troll threads that the trolls posted that haven’t been deleted will be documented.


Simple. As I said, my name was being dragged through the mud. Several people in those threads were directly calling me Tupac and spreading that around. That needed nipped in the bud. There’s a point where I couldn’t stay silent about it. That person is beyond lost and I refuse to be associated with them.

Believe what you wish, but there is zero nonsense in my post. I don’t expect everyone to like me. I’m logging back out now.

We need to build a (low level/classic toon) wall

A wall? Please elaborate I’m old and dumb (well, not that dumb. I can do calculus in my head).

Bad reference to a certain ex president, whos idea of stopping people was to build a wall

Hence we need a wall to stop the low levels/classic alts from spamming

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Oh. I wasn’t sure if you meant that or a wall of shame.

Or just post this at the trolls.

You never cared about that before. Let’s be honest your trolling right now.

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I believe Human. Reason being is the argument of “Why say something if you aren’t guilty” is silly.

If they were that person would they post here? No, they would keep doing it and human’s alts when he posts on em are on his bnet like he stated. Easy to see from the pets.
Ironically the people trolling name their pets special names lol so it’s easy to spot.

Also I just noticed that human is a priest… lol

But another note, the person doing this doesn’t have a corehound on their other accounts, just the main accounts, meaning that they don’t have an authenticator. You only get that from having an authenticator and I think it’s taken away if you remove it.

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Alice, it seems like this is the last thing you posted and I’m a little concerned. We don’t know each other, but I wouldn’t want you to be gone.

Trans people of the present are the role models for young kids struggling with the same issues. If you can’t find a reason to live for yourself, remember you are one more reason to live for others.

We need more empathetic people in this planet, not less.


So I got AotC this past Thursday.

I’m less than 20 points to Keystone Master. I’ll probably get it tomorrow.

I keep having muscle spasms in my legs. I had accupuncture done today, it wasn’t bad.

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Nice! Grats! The only AotCs I have I bought D: I would have had AotC Denathrius but due to the Demonology bugs, I stepped out cause I was hampering my guild. X_X

Also Re: Human - I genuinely never thought Human was the person doing it. I don’t like most of their threads and do tend to just ignore them as they come off as troll threads, but they aren’t ill-mannered like the ones last night.

I’m almost positive I know who the one last night was, but I don’t call people out like that.

I’m hopeful that what happened won’t be happening again with the same poster.

Am I the only one confused as to why you need your name in the papers at all? They talking your deadname? Why is this a thing? O.o

I imagine that it’s an archaic law used in some places from before SSN was in common use.


Maybe something for Americans to talk to their rep about? Especially if they want the dead name recorded publicly… not Trans myself but… isn’t that traumatising for some?

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Working at a newspaper office in the past, that’s pretty much it along with it’s just another document for paper trail so they have stuff on the books.

It’s also by state too on what they require.

Lot of people used to do name changes if they did some… well shady stuff that they didn’t want their name attached to (like money laundering or something of the sort).

Least from my understanding of it. We had to make sure the spelling was not incorrect.

Also, check the newspaper office where you grew up. A lot of them print honor roll lists OR other lists with students names, as long as it doesn’t need to be recent. You can request a look up for your name.


It is. The wrong people see it and it might even get you hurt. It’s definitely something to call up your representative about if you can.

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