LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You think the declaration was related to founding the government? Rofl.

And yet in spite of all these threads and all the really bad takes that come in response, there is a group of people still want to get rid of the ability for people to change alts and report posts (not the same post multiple times, but different posts one time each) and limit us to five posts today while this nonsense is not dealt with.

It’s all so bad.

Saved to my notepad app.

I might go full Karen and write an angry letter. And by angry letter I mean a polite but frank but probably verbose one.


A simple solution:

If an OP gets flagged - lock the post and hide it until a mod unflags it. If it gets unflagged, give it immunity to flagging for X days.



Oooh ty for that. I got some real choice words I’m going to type up.

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“Mind if I add you too?”

Sure! go for it :smiley:


I was going to ask the same thing. You’re rad.

I was going to, but your name is something I’ve been called so I’m like D:

hehe go for it! :stuck_out_tongue: I would give out my bnet but it’s full again =/

o.o a fuzzbutt? Wait… what’s that a reference too?! Why would someone throw that out as an insult?! o_o

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That’s a very good suggestion.

Lmao, no, it wasn’t an insult.

Even just having mini-mods that can hide/lock threads until the mods deal with them would be better than what we have. X_X

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Oh lol I was like D: whaaat? But I got you. But yeah you can add me if you want too.


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“Request has been sent. Thank you.”

Hey np! Sorry I was working and I had a phone call I had to get lol

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And I quickly caught on to the modus operandi and decided to not play into it theway he wanted.

His goal is to annoy and frustrated so people can lash out and he can report or play the victim because the target wAnSn’T cIvIl in response to the bad faith discussion about their human rights.

It’s nonsense.


Sending you love :heart:


Yes I’m annoyed cause we end up getting caught in the crossfire.

I can understand why people are annoyed with the trolls, but attacking people because of their anger and frustration with trolls and Blizzard is pretty messed up.


To be honest I agree with you and feel bad for the legitimate LGBT community because of the spam, trolling and loser attempts to get on peoples nerves.

It’s like the kids at school who would try to start fights between other people but never fight themselves.


“I agree. It’s why I like to pop in, occasionally, with a song to lighten the mood.”


This was not complaining about kul’tiran. This was attacking players with it.

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